Wood warped lengthwise - Feed rollers will flatten a lengthwise warped board as if it were flat, but the board will spring back to its original shape once out of the planer. A lengthwise warped board must be jointed flat on one side on a jointer before being thickness planed.
Twisted wood - Twisted lumber or lumber twisted lengthwise is difficult to thickness plane. The wood may be so twisted that it cannot be thickness planed. One possible solution may be to saw the board into smaller sections and see if the sections can be thickness planed.
11.2Wood Grain
For an improved surface finish with minimal tearout, always plane the work piece with the grain.
The work piece should be fed into the planer/molder so that blades are traveling with the grain as they finish the cut. The grain should be angled up toward the rear of the work piece as it is fed into the planer/molder.
12.0Molding setup and adjustments
Set feed gear box to 10 FPM. (See illustration and instruction in section 10.3).
12.1Installing molding cutters
Cutterhead knives are sharp. Use extreme caution when working in close proximity. Never attempt to mold without a dust chute and dust collection system. Failure to comply may cause serious injury.
1.Disconnect machine from power source (Unplug).
2.Remove screws (A, Figure 14) securing the dust hood.
Figure 14
3.Remove dust hood (B, Figure 14) and dust chute.
4.Loosen three wing nuts (C, Figure 14) and slide the curved infeed chip deflector (D, Figure 14) out of the way.
5.Tighten screws to hold chip deflector in place. It is not used in the molding operation.
6.Remove plastic outfeed chip deflector completely.
7.With a marking pen, label each knife slot on the cutterhead one, two, and three for easy identification.
For 2” and under cutters:
•Loosen set screws on 2” lock bar at cutter number one.
•With the brass bar and a mallet carefully tap on lock bar outside of set screws to loosen taper fit of the lock bar.
•Remove spacers.
•Remove lock bar. Note: With 2” wide and under molding cutters, the planing knives remain in place (Figure 15).
•Install lock bar but do not tighten at this time. Note: Depending on cutter width, 1” and under cutters will require a spacer next to the cutter.
Figure 15
•Install cutter in place of spacers. Cutters must face proper direction and be seated fully in the cutterhead.
For cutters over 2”:
•Loosen set screws on all lock bars at cutter number one.
•With the brass bar and a mallet, carefully tap on lock bar outside of set screws to loosen lock bar taper fit.
•Carefully remove spacers, planing knives and lock bars.