Switch action
Too speed is increased by increasing pres- | Speed control screw | |
sure on the trigger. To start the tool, simply I | ||
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pull the trigger. Release the trigger to stop. |
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A speed control screw is provided so that |
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maximum tool speed can be limited (vari- |
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able). Turn the speed control screw clock- |
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wise for higher speed, and counterclock- |
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wise for lower speed. |
Before plugging in the tool, always check to see that the trigger switch actuates properly and returns to the "OFF" position when released.
0 Do not tape, t i e or otherwise secure the trigger in the "ON" position.
Hammer drilling operation
Position the bit a t the location for the hole, then pull the trigger.
Do not force the tool. Light pressure gives best results. Keep the tool in position and prevent it from slipping away from the hole.
Do not apply more pressure when the hole becomes clogged with chips or particles. Instead, run the tool a t an idle, then re- move from the hole. By repeating this several times, the hole will be cleaned out.