Miller Electric Bobcat 250 Cold Weather Engine Operation, Infrequently, Frequently Loaded

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. A complete Parts List is available at

6-2. Cold Weather Engine Operation





1Engine Control Switch

Carburetor Icing

Carburetor icing causes the unit to drop below the normal idle speed and then stall. This condition occurs when the temperature is near freezing and the rela- tive humidity is high. Ice forms on the throttle plate and inner bore of the carbu- retor. The engine typically restarts without problems but soon stalls again.

STreat gasoline with a fuel de−icer product (isopropyl alcohol).

SPlace the Engine Control switch in the Run position.

SRun engine only when expecting to frequently load it.

Breather Icing

Frequently Loaded

Oil breather/pulse line icing occurs in severe cold (continuously below 0_F). Moisture accumulates in the oil from piston ring blow−by if the engine is exten- sively idled. This may cause vacuum line freezing, oil breather tube freezing or ice in the carburetor. All of these cause operating problems. Due to ice in the lines, the engine may not restart until it is warmed to above freezing.

SLoad engine and reduce idle times to prevent engine shutdowns.

SUse an electric fuel pump to avoid pulse line freezing.

SInstall engine cold−weather kit.

Both Kohler (1-800-544-2444) and Robin (1-800-277-6246) offer kits for cold weather operation. The user can install these kits. Both kits pull heated air from the muffler surface into the carburetor and shut the cold air off. This increases engine temperature during operation in both idle and high speed.

.When the ambient temperatures become warmer (above 45_F) the air flow will have to be returned to normal.

Ref. 228 201-B


Work like a Pro!

Pros weld and cut safely. Read the safety rules at the beginning of this manual.

OM-4419 Page 24

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Contents OM-4419 File Engine DriveVisit our website at 2007−05From Miller to You Table of Contents 10-1 10-210-3 11-1Symbol Usage Arc Welding HazardsElectric Shock can kill HOT Parts can cause severe burnsFumes and Gases can be hazardous Buildup of GAS can injure or killARC Rays can burn eyes and skin Welding can cause fire or explosionEngine Hazards Compressed Air HazardsWelding Wire can cause injury HOT Parts can cause burns and injuryFire or Explosion hazard Falling Unit can cause injuryPrincipal Safety Standards California Proposition 65 WarningsEMF Information Radiation can cause interferenceSignification des symboles − Consignes DE Sécurité − Lire Avant UtilisationUN Choc Électrique peut tuer Indique des instructions spécifiquesLES Fumées ET LES GAZ peuvent être dangereux DES Pièces Chaudes peuvent provoquer des brûlures gravesLE Soudage peut provoquer un in cendie ou une explosion ’EXPLOSION DE LA Batterie peu LE Bruit peut affecter l’ouïeDES Organes Mobiles peuvent pro voquer des blessures ’AIR Comprimé peut provoquer des blessures LA Chaleur DU Moteur peut pro- voquer un incendieRisque D’INCENDIE OU D’EXPLO- Sion LE Surchauffement peut endom- mager le moteur électrique DES Organes Mobiles peuvent provoquer des blessuresLES Fils DE Soudage peuvent provoquer des blessures ’EMPLOI Excessif peutProposition californienne 65 Avertissements Principales normes de sécuritéInformation EMF En ce qui concerne les implants médicaux− Specifications Symbol DefinitionsWeld, Power, and Engine Specifications − DefinitionsDimensions, Weights, and Operating Angles Dimensions For Units With Optional Running GearRobin-PoweredUnit 560 lb 254 kg DimensionsFuel Consumption Robin-Powered Units Fuel Consumption Kohler-Powered UnitsFor CC/DC Mode For CV/DC Mode For CC/AC ModeVolt-Ampere Curves Duty Cycle Generator Power Curve100% Duty Cycle at 250 Amperes − Installation Installing Welding GeneratorEngine Prestart Checks Robin-Powered Units 0000Oil Check OilEngine Prestart Checks Kohler-Powered Units Open top service doorInstalling Exhaust Pipe Connecting Or Replacing the BatteryConnecting The Battery Connect negative − cable last + −Connecting to Weld Output Terminals Tools Needed Correct InstallationStop engine Work Weld Output TerminalSelecting Weld Cable Sizes − Operating the Welding Generator Front Panel ControlsCold Weather Engine Operation InfrequentlyLoaded Frequently LoadedTypical Stick Welding Connections And Control Settings Typical Settings For 7018 1/8 in ElectrodeWork Clamp Electrode Holder Tools Needed 3/4Typical MIG Welding Connections And Settings Solid Wire ApplicationsFine Control, Weld Process switch Settings Quick connector Be sure to use the correct size weld cables see SectionSelf-Shielded Flux Core Wire Applications Fine Control, Weld Process switch SettingsTypical Settings For 4043 Aluminum On 1/8 in MaterialWork Lines and may not suit all applications Cables see SectionGenerator Power Receptacles − Operating Auxiliary EquipmentSimultaneous Weld And Power Wiring Optional 240 Volt PlugCurrent Available in Amperes 240 ReceptacleRoutine Maintenance Robin-Powered Units 100200 500Maintenance Label Robin-Powered Units Overload Protection Robin-Powered Units Servicing Air Cleaner Robin-Powered UnitsStop engine. Disconnect negative − battery cable Oil Fill Oil Check FullStop engine and let cool Oil Drain Valve 2 ID x 7 in Hose Oil FilterAdjusting Engine Speed Robin-Powered Units Idle Speed AdjustmentTurn idle speed screw for fine adjustments Weld/Power Speed AdjustmentServicing Optional Spark Arrestor Robin-Powered Units Material Thickness Reference ChartRoutine Maintenance Kohler-Powered Units Hours Nl Weld Cables ~ Slip Rings Nl Brushes OM-4419Maintenance Label Kohler-Powered Units Servicing Air Cleaner Kohler−Powered Units Stop engine and let cool Oil Drain Valve 2 ID x 7 in Hose Oil FilterClose valve and valve cap before adding oil Full Up fuelAdjusting Engine Speed Kohler-Powered Units Turn idle speed screw for fine ad- justmentsOverload Protection Kohler-Powered Units Servicing Optional Spark Arrestor Kohler-Powered Units− Troubleshooting Welding TroubleshootingGenerator Power Troubleshooting Trouble RemedyCheck receptacle wiring and connections Engine TroubleshootingCheck fuel level − Parts List Switch S2, and throttle solenoid TS1Recommended Spare Parts Recommended Spare Parts− Electrical Diagrams Circuit Diagram For Welding Generator228 460-A − Generator Power Guidelines Selecting EquipmentGrounding Generator To Truck Or Trailer Frame Electrically Bond GeneratorGrounding When Supplying Building Systems How Much Power Does Equipment Require?Use ground device as stated in electrical codes Amperes x Volts = WattsApproximate Power Requirements For Industrial Motors Approximate Power Requirements For Farm/Home EquipmentIndustrial Motors Rating Starting Watts Running Watts Farm/Home Equipment Rating Starting Watts Running WattsApproximate Power Requirements For Contractor Equipment Contractor Rating Starting Watts Running WattsPower Required To Start Motor How Much Power Can Generator Supply?Single-Phase Induction Motor Starting Requirements KVA/HP x HP x 1000 / Volts = Starting AmperageTypical Connections To Supply Standby Power Selecting Extension Cord Use Shortest Cord Possible Weld current starts when electrode touches work- piece Stick Welding Procedure− Stick Welding Smaw Guidelines Striking an Arc − Scratch Start Technique Electrode and Amperage Selection ChartStriking an Arc − Tapping Technique Poor Weld Bead Characteristics Good Weld Bead CharacteristicsPositioning Electrode Holder 10-30 9090Conditions That Affect Weld Bead Shape Electrode Movement During WeldingButt Joints Lap JointTee Joint Or LessTroubleshooting − Porosity Troubleshooting − Excessive SpatterWeld Test Possible Causes Corrective ActionsTroubleshooting − Lack Of Penetration Troubleshooting − Incomplete FusionTroubleshooting − Excessive Penetration Troubleshooting − Waviness Of Bead Troubleshooting − Burn-ThroughTroubleshooting − Distortion − MIG Welding Gmaw Guidelines Holding And Positioning Welding GunShort Normal Long Push Perpendicular DragSlow Normal Fast Gun Movement During Welding 15-8 Troubleshooting − Porosity 15-7 Troubleshooting − Excessive Spatter15-9 Troubleshooting − Excessive Penetration Fusion between weld metal Lack Of Penetration − shallowImproper joint preparation Unsteady hand Support hand on solid surface or use two hands Application Common MIG Shielding GasesFillet Page Your distributor also gives ServiceSupport To locate a Distributor or Service Agency visit Miller Electric Mfg. CoFor assistance in filing or settling claims, contact Your distributor and/or equipment manufacturer’s