Miller Electric OM-4409 manual Fuel

Page 94











Figure 19-3. Panel, Front w/Components (Continued)







. . . 41 . . . .

. . . . . .

. . 059773 . .

Switch, Handle (Polarity/AC Switch)

. . . 1

. . . 42 . . . .

. . . . . .

. . 010647 . .

Pin (Polarity/AC Switch)

. . . 1

. . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . 059773 . .

Handle, Switch (Battery Charging)

. . . 1

. . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . 010647 . .

Pin,Spring Cs .156 X 1.250 (Battery Charging)

. . . 1

. . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . 081499 . .

Bracket, Mtg Strip Terminal (Battery Charging)

. . . 1

. . . 43 . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . 039047 . .

Terminal, Pwr Output Red

. . . 1

. . . 44 . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . 021385 . .

Boot, Toggle Switch Lever

. . . 1

. . . 45 . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . 190323 . .

Boot, Circuit Breaker Clear Hex Nut

. . . 4

. . . 46 . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . 170391 . .

Conn, Circ Ms Protective Cap Size 20 Nylon

. . . 1

. . . 47 . . . .

HM1 . . . . 210424 . .

Meter, Hour 12−24vdc (Snap−in)

. . . 1

. . . 48 . . . .


. . . . 192265 . .

Gauge, Fuel Elec Switch W/O Switchgage Sensor

. . . 1

. . . 49 . . . .


. . . . 193228 . .

Meter, Volt DC 8 − 18 Scale 2.250 In Black Face

. . . 1

. . . 50 . . . .


. . . . 206599 . .

Gauge, Pressure 0−200 Psi Electric Switch

. . . 1

. . . 51 . . . .


. . . 217084 . .

Gauge, Engine Temperature

. . . 1

. . . 52 . . . .

. OIL .

. . . . 217083 . .

Gauge, Engine Oil Pressure

. . . 1

. . . 53 . . . .

. A1 .

. . 164873 . .

Meter, Amp AC/DC 0− 500 0−600 Dc Scale 2.5 In

. . . 1

. . . 54 . . . .


. . 209274 . .

Xfmr, Current (Meters)

. . . 1

. . . 55 . . . .

. V1 .

. . 164874 . .

Meter, Volt AC/DC 0− 100 Scale 2.5 In

. . . 1

. . . 56 . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . 097922 . .

Knob, Pointer .875 Dia X .250 Id W/Set Screwsplstc

. . . 1

. . . 57 . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . 189161 . .

Handle, Switch Range

. . . 1

. . . 58 . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . 010647 . .

Pin, Spring Cs .156 X 1.250

. . . 1

. . . 59 . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . 097924 . .

Knob, Pointer 1.625 Dia X .250 Id W/Set Screwsplstc

. . . 1

. . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . 072590 . .

Lock, Shaft Pot .375−32 X .250 Dia Shaft Tall

. . . 1

. . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . 215207 . .

Harness, Unit Weld Control − CV (includes)

. . . 1

. . . . . . . . . .


. . . . 114063 . . .

. Conn, Rect Univ 084 4p/S 1row Plug Cable Lkg

. . . 1

. . . . . . . . . .


. . . . 193184 . . .

. Conn, Rect Cinch 30 Pin

. . . 1

. . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . 147992 . . .

. Conn, Rect Univ 039 10p/S 2row Plug Cable Lkg

. . . 1

. . . . . . . . .

PLG13 . . . 158465 . . .

. Conn, Rect Univ 084 12p/S 3row Plug Cable Lkg

. . . 1

. . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . 088731 . . .

. Bushing, Snap−in Nyl .375 Id X .500 Mtg Hole

. . . 1

. . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . 135873 . . .

. Clip, Conduit Convoluted 1/2 In 6.35mm Mtg Hole

. . . 3

. . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . 187654 . . .

. Seal, Wire Univ 12p/S 3row

. . . 1

. . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . 196602 . . .

. Plug, Cavity 18,30 Position Cinch Connector

. . . 7

. . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . 059712 . .

Clip, Component .437 Dia Mtg Adh Back

. . . 1

. . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . 024103 . .

Blank, Snap−in Nyl .750 Mtg Hole Black

. . . 1

. . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . 120304 . .

Blank, Snap−in Nyl .250 Mtg Hole Black

. . . 2

. . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .

. . . . 025234 . .

Plug, Str Grd 2p3w 15a 250v *6−15p

. . . 1


+When ordering a component originally displaying a precautionary label, the label should also be ordered.

To maintain the factory original performance of your equipment, use only Manufacturer’s Suggested Replacement Parts. Model and serial number required when ordering parts from your local distributor.

OM-4409 Page 90

Image 94
Contents Description OM-4409206Processes File Engine DriveFrom Miller to You Table of Contents Troubleshooting Tables − Operating Optional Battery Charger− Troubleshooting − Parts ListElectric Shock can kill Symbol UsageArc Welding Hazards HOT Parts can cause severe burnsARC Rays can burn eyes and skin Fumes and Gases can be hazardousBuildup of GAS can injure or kill Welding can cause fire or explosionEngine Hazards Compressed Air HazardsFire or Explosion hazard Welding Wire can cause injuryHOT Parts can cause burns and injury Falling Unit can cause injuryEMF Information Principal Safety StandardsCalifornia Proposition 65 Warnings Radiation can cause interferenceUN Choc Électrique peut tuer Signification des symboles− Consignes DE Sécurité − Lire Avant Utilisation Indique des instructions spécifiquesLE Soudage peut provoquer un in cendie ou une explosion DES Pièces Chaudes peuvent provoquer des brûlures gravesLES Fumées ET LES GAZ peuvent être dangereux LE Bruit peut affecter l’ouïe’EXPLOSION DE LA Batterie peu DES Organes Mobiles peuvent pro voquer des blessures’AIR Comprimé peut provoquer des blessures LA Chaleur DU Moteur peut pro- voquer un incendieRisque D’INCENDIE OU D’EXPLO- Sion LES Fils DE Soudage peuvent provoquer des blessures LE Surchauffement peut endom- mager le moteur électriqueDES Organes Mobiles peuvent provoquer des blessures ’EMPLOI Excessif peutInformation EMF Proposition californienne 65 AvertissementsPrincipales normes de sécurité En ce qui concerne les implants médicauxSymbols And Definitions − DefinitionsAir Compressor Specifications − SpecificationsWeld, Power, And Engine Specifications Sound Level TableWeight Dimensions, Weights, And Operating AnglesLifting Eye Weight Rating MIG Mode DC Stick ModeAC Stick Mode Optional Stick And MIG Volt-Ampere CurvesAC TIG Mode Optional DC TIG ModeTIG Volt-Ampere Curves 100% Duty Cycle At 500 Amperes Fuel ConsumptionDuty Cycle And Overheating 40% Duty Cycle At 600 AmperesGenerator AC Power Curve 12 kVA/kW Single-Phase AC Output No Weld Load Optional 3-Phase Generator Power Curves20 kVA/kW Three-Phase AC Output No Weld Load Optional Battery Charging Output Curve Air Compressor Output CurveManufacturing Rating Label Location/Airflow Clearance − InstallationInstalling Welding Generator Grounding1Mounting Surface Mounting Welding GeneratorSupporting The Unit To Bolt Unit In PlaceStop engine and let cool Installing Optional Spark Arrestor MufflerMount the muffler with the clean- out plug to the outside Be sure to tighten rain cap mounting screwDo not overfill battery cells Activating The Dry Charge Battery If ApplicableConnecting The Battery Reinstall cover after connecting batterySwitch may be locked using a customer-supplied padlock Using The Optional Battery Disconnect SwitchStop engine Engine/Compressor Prestart Checks Stick And TIG Welding Connecting To Weld Output TerminalsMIG And Fcaw Welding Selecting Weld Cable Sizes Connecting to weld Output terminals150 ft 200 ft 250 ft Connecting To Remote 14 Receptacle RC14 SocketConnecting To The Air Compressor Open Position Closed Position− Operating the Welding Generator Controls See SectionDescription Of Controls See Section Process/Contactor Switch Process/Contactor Switch SettingsExample Combination Remote Amperage Control Stick Using Remote Voltage/Amperage ControlExample Combination Remote Amperage Control TIG At least once a month, run en − Operating Auxiliary EquipmentVolt And 240 Volt Receptacles Is working properlyConnecting To Optional AC Power Plant 240 V 15 a AC South African Receptacle RC1 Optional Generator Power ReceptaclesSupplementary Protector CB2 Supplementary Protector CB3 Determining Battery Charging Current − Operating Optional Battery ChargerBattery Charge Controls Output Selector SwitchBattery Charge Cable Connections Battery Charging Procedure To control battery charging output using aConnect Remote Or Control Device Momentary-On Switch Jump Starting ProcedureCharge battery for 10 minutes before jump starting battery Cables− ENGINE/GENERATOR Maintenance Engine Maintenance LabelRoutine Engine/Generator Maintenance Material Thickness Reference Chart Checking Generator BrushesTo clean air filter Servicing Engine Air CleanerAir cleaner primary element can Optional Keep nozzle 2 in 51 mm from elementInspecting/Cleaning Optional Spark Arrestor Muffler Reinstall cleanout plug Tools NeededAdjusting Engine Speed Do not set engine speed higher than specifiedTo change oil and filter Servicing Engine Fuel And Lubrication SystemsWipe up spilled fuel To drain water from fuel systemEngine/Generator Overload Protection − AIR Compressor Maintenance Air Compressor Maintenance LabelRoutine Air Compressor Maintenance Remove engine air cleaner cover Servicing Compressor Air CleanerCompressor Air Cleaner Reinstall primary element and cover dust ejector downCompressor Overload Protection See -8for engine/genera- tor overload protectionEngine oil drain and compressor oil Servicing Air CompressorTo change compressor oil and filter To replace air/oil separatorAdjusting Compressor Air Pressure Troubleshooting Tables − TroubleshootingWelding Standard Generator Power Optional AC Power PlantEngine Optional Battery Charging Air Compressor− AIR Compressor Diagram Circuit Diagram For Air Compressor− Circuit Diagram Circuit Diagram For Welding Generator221 915−C Wetstacking − RUN-IN ProcedureWelding Generator Output and do not exceed duty Run-In Procedure Using Load BankFrom flammables Cycle or equipment damage mayRun-In Procedure Using Resistance Grid − AIR Compressor Tables Flow Of Free Air CFM Through Orifices Of Various DiametersSec 15 sec 21 sec Selecting Equipment − Generator Power GuidelinesGrounding Generator To Truck Or Trailer Frame Use ground device as stated in electrical codes Grounding When Supplying Building SystemsHow Much Power Does Equipment Require? Amperes x Volts = WattsIndustrial Motors Rating Starting Watts Running Watts Approximate Power Requirements For Industrial MotorsApproximate Power Requirements For Farm/Home Equipment Farm/Home Equipment Rating Starting Watts Running WattsApproximate Power Requirements For Contractor Equipment Contractor Rating Starting Watts Running WattsSingle-Phase Induction Motor Starting Requirements Power Required To Start MotorHow Much Power Can Generator Supply? KVA/HP x HP x 1000 / Volts = Starting AmperageTypical Connections To Supply Standby Power Selecting Extension Cord Use Shortest Cord Possible Preparing Tungsten For AC Welding Preparing Tungsten For DC Electrode Negative Dcen WeldingAmperage Range Gas Type Polarity − Guidelines for TIG Welding Gtaw Positioning The TorchWelding direction Form pool Tilt torch Torch Movement During WeldingTungsten Without Filler Rod Tungsten With Filler RodPositioning Torch Tungsten For Various Weld Joints Butt Weld And Stringer Bead Joint Lap Joint Corner Joint133 148 147 − Parts ListHardware is common and not available unless listed 126121 109 120 122 108 102 103 105 106 107 7273 Dia Part Description Quantity Mkgs 224265 199505 CT1 21 22 C1/D1CB11,CB12,CB13 Hardware is common Not available unless listed 2724 40 39CB2 Fuel Generator Generator -1Item172555 Main Rectifier Assembly Air Compressor Assembly 10 9 1516 8281 7371Air Compressor Assembly -1Item Clutch Your distributor also gives ServiceSupport For assistance in filing or settling claims, contact To locate a Distributor or Service Agency visitMiller Electric Mfg. Co Your distributor and/or equipment manufacturer’s

OM-4409 specifications

The Miller Electric OM-4409 is a remarkable welding machine designed for both professional welders and enthusiastic hobbyists. Known for its reliability and efficiency, the OM-4409 stands out in the industrial landscape due to its advanced features and innovative technologies.

One of the main features of the OM-4409 is its impressive power output. With a rated output of 400 amps, it is capable of tackling a variety of welding applications, including MIG, TIG, and stick welding. This versatility allows users to switch between welding processes depending on the project requirements while ensuring consistent quality and performance.

The machine incorporates advanced inverter technology, which enhances its overall efficiency. Inverter technology allows for a compact design without sacrificing performance. The OM-4409 weighs significantly less than traditional transformer-based machines, making it more portable and easier to transport. Additionally, the inverter technology ensures that energy consumption is kept to a minimum, reducing operational costs.

Another notable characteristic of the Miller Electric OM-4409 is its user-friendly interface. The intuitive control panel provides easy access to settings and adjustments, allowing welders to fine-tune the machine to their specific needs. The digital display shows crucial parameters such as voltage, amperage, and wire feed speed, enabling welders to monitor their progress in real-time effectively.

Safety is paramount in industrial applications, and the OM-4409 does not disappoint. It is equipped with advanced safety features, including thermal overload protection and fault indication systems. These features ensure that the machine operates within safe limits, protecting both the user and the equipment.

The OM-4409 also boasts a robust build quality, designed to withstand the rigors of daily use in demanding environments. Its durable construction ensures longevity, minimizing maintenance and downtime.

In summary, the Miller Electric OM-4409 welding machine is a powerhouse that combines power, efficiency, and user-friendliness. With its inverter technology, versatility across various welding processes, advanced safety features, and robust design, it represents an excellent investment for any welding professional looking to enhance their capabilities. Whether for heavy-duty industrial applications or intricate metalwork, the OM-4409 delivers unmatched performance and reliability.