Important: Some of the following symbols may be used on your tool. Please study them and learn their meaning. Proper interpretationof these symbolswill allow you to operate the tool better and safer.
V | Volts |
A | Amperes |
Hz | Hertz |
rain | Minutes |
| Alternating Current |
= | Direct Current |
no | No Load Speed |
.../min | Revolutions or ReciprocationPer Minute |
| Safety Alert Symbol |
t_) | Wet ConditionsAlert |
| Hot Surface. Do Not Touch |
Frequency (cycles per second)
Type or a characteristicof current
Type or a characteristicof current
Rotational speed, at no load
Revolutions, strokes,
surface speed, orbits stc. per minute
Indicates danger, warning or caution. it means attentlonf!!Your safety is
Do not expose to rain or use in damp locations.
This decal indicates HOT SURFACE. DO NOT TOUCH, Keep all body parts away from all hot surfaces.
The purpose of safety symbols is to attract your attentionto possibledangers. The safety symbols, and the explanationswith them, deserve your careful attention and understanding. The safety warningsdo not by themselves eliminate any danger. The instructionsor warnings they give are not substitutesfor proper accident preventionmeasures.
| DANGER: | Failureto obey a safety warningwill result in sedous injuryto yourselfotto others. Always |
| followthe safety precautionsto reducethe riskof fire, alectdc; shock and personal Injury. | |
| WARNING: | Failure to obey a safetywarning can resultIn serious Injury to yourself or to others. |
| Always follow the safety precautionsto reducethe dsk offire, aleetdc shock and personal Injury, | |
| CAUTION: | Failure to obey a safety warning may result in property damage or personalinjury to |
| yourself or to others. Always followthe safety precautionsto reducethe risk of fire, eteetdc shockand | |
| personal injury. | |
NOTE: | Advisesyou of informationor Instructionsvital to the operation or maintenance of the equipment. |