Spring Steel Heads
The below diagrams illustrate the main parts comprising this type of grinding head.
Diagram 1
1.Spring steel spring
2.Head plate
3.Cushion ring
4.Head mate
Diagram 1. Spring Steel Head
Diagram 2
1.Spring steel springs
3.Silicone spring
4.Head mate
5.Cushion ring
6.Head buddy
8.Head plate
Between the head plate and head mate are a series of white silicone springs, spacers and the spring steel spring which give shock absorption and flexibility in the system.
Unlike with the conventional/demolition heads, the spring steel heads are able to move in a flexible manner without any moving parts due to the presence of the spring steel spring.
Over an extended period of time the spring steel spring fatigues and the spring steel “fingers” begin to break off. This creates irregular movement within the grinding heads and will cause vibration when the machine is in operation.
Routine checks for broken “fingers” in the spring steel grinding heads are recommended. Life expectancy for grinding heads can vary between 6 and 12 months depending on the amount of usage.
Replacement spring steel springs are available and can be replaced without throwing the grinding head away.
The spring steel heads can also be made less flexible by the addition of a second spring steel spring.
Diagram 2
3. 2. 4. 6. 5.
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