Ref. No. 2C | Procedure 2A → 2B → 2C | Removal of the power shaft assembly. | |
| 1. | Remove the piston applying power spring. |
| 2. | Take out the power shaft assembly. |
| 3. | Remove the |
| 4. | Remove the clutch handle with pins and the thrust plate. |
| 5. | Remove the snap ring. |
| 6. | Slide the jig (plate) into between the washer and the gear case |
| and hold it by a vise. | |
| 7. | Tap the top of spindle block with a plastic hammer to take out |
| the spindle and clutch block assembly. | |
| 8. | Take out the snap ring on the rear side of the bearing. |
| 9. | Take out two pins by using absorption force about 30N magnet |
| from the clutch block. | |
| 10. Take out four steel balls and remove the spindle & piston |
11. Remove the striker with the
12. Take out the piston block. And take out the piston and the universal coupling.
13. Remove the intermediate shaft assembly.