Cyclone MKV 2 Multimedia Adapter
MISC Settings Menu:
This menu provides access to the media player’s miscellaneous configuration settings.
Resume Play:
When this function is activated, the Cyclone MKV 2 will record the last location where the movie was stopped. When the movie is played again it will ask whether you wish to continue form where the movie was stopped.
This function can be activated and deactivated by selecting ON or OFF.
Slide Show Timing:
This option allows you to select the time duration of an image before it goes to the next image in the list.
To adjust the timing, use the NAVIGATION buttons to select the desired time duration.
Transition Effect:
The transition effect is a visual effect that and determines how images display in a slideshow.
Ken Burns Effect:
The ken burns effect is a special effect that causes the image to zoom in and out whilst being viewed.
This special effect can be activated and deactivated by selecting ON or OFF.
Background Music:
The background music function allows you to play background music whilst in slide show mode.
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