communications (that is, server public certificate distributed to the client; client public certificate distributed to the server). The default locations for the generated key files are:
•For VM or vPar Hosts: /etc
•For VM or vPar guests:
◦HP-UX: /opt/hp/cmappserver
Key generation on the VM or vPar Host
The following three commands must be executed on one VM or vPar Host to generate the client.private, client.public and temp.key security keys by using the keytool program.
For more information on these commands, see solaris/keytool.html.
These commands create default key names and locations to successfully configure application monitoring.
HP Serviceguard commands control the startup and shutdown of the packaged VM or vPar guest.
NOTE: Create and set the current directory (that is,
WARNING! On Linux systems, you might face problems while generating keys and using the “gcj” version of Java, such as
•This command prompts for a user name, organization, and physical location information to document the use of the key.
Key generation on the VM or vPar guest
The following three commands must be executed on each VM or vPar guest to generate the server.private, server.public and temp.key security keys. Set the current directory to /opt/hp/cmappserver on
NOTE: This command prompts for a user name, organization and physical location information to document the use of the key.