Upgrading cmappmgr/cmappserver combination
You can upgrade the VM or vPar guest monitoring functionality while upgrading HP Serviceguard, in two ways. The difference between these two ways is the number of live migrations compared to the VM or vPar guest application downtime.
Process 1: This process takes advantage of how cmappserver works. If cmappserver loses communication with cmappmgr, it does not halt the applications that were being monitored, but there is loss of the monitoring function.
This process:
•Disables application monitoring on all nodes.
•Performs a rolling upgrade.
•Upgrades cmappserver on all VM or vPar guests.
To apply this process to upgrade VM or vPar guest monitoring functionality:
1.Optional: If this is an upgrade from HP Serviceguard A.11.19 to HP Serviceguard A.11.20, ensure that all service calls to the VM or vPar guest are unique, even if it means adding extra spaces.
NOTE: This is a requirement of HP Serviceguard A.11.20.
2.To disable application monitoring (that is, comment out cmappmgr calls), edit all the packages.
3.Reapply the packages.
Application monitoring is not used while reapplying, therefore, these VM or vPar guests can now be
NOTE: Check and ensure that the various cmappmgr services are stopped.
NOTE: Packages can be moved if there are issues with live migration, but the services stop and cannot be restarted until the last step is performed.
7.Update cmappserver in every VM or vPar guest
8.For each HP Integrity VM or vPar guest package that used guest monitoring, do the following:
a.Halt the package.
c.Reapply the package.
d.Start the package.
NOTE: The applications on the VM or vPar guests are not available for a short period, during the live migration and between halting and restarting the package.
Process 2: In this process VM or vPar guests can reboot rather than use live migration. After the first reboot, the services in the VM or vPar guests are stopped and are not restarted until the upgrade is complete.
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