ClusterPack V2.5 Release Note
Comprehensive Install Instructions
For the ClusterPack Base Edition, please refer to the Base Edition license certificate for instructions on redeeming your license.
As part of the normal installation and configuration process, you will be asked to provide the license key(s). ClusterPack will install the license files in the correct location(s), and all licensing services will be started.
•Get the Host ID number of the Management Server.
•Redeem the Base Edition license certificate.
NOTE | It may take up to 24 hours to receive the license file. Plan |
| accordingly. |
You will need to contact
%/bin/uname -i
The number returned by this command must be proceeded by a # when making your request. For example, if uname
Step 5. Prepare Hardware Access
This document does not cover hardware details. It is necessary, however, to make certain hardware preparations in order to run the software.