The more preliminary information customers can supply about a problem or issue at the beginning of the reporting process, the sooner the Software Support Engineer (SSE) can supply a solution or workaround. Information of most help to the SSE includes accurate operating system and software version numbers, the steps leading to the problem or crash, the first few lines of a traceback, and problem sections of the Procedural Interface code.
Mentor Graphics customers outside North America
For customers who purchased products from Mentor Graphics outside of North America, should contact their local support organization. A list of local Mentor Graphics SupportCenters outside North America can be found at supportnetweb.mentorg.com under "Connections", then "International Directory".
Model Technology customers worldwide
For customers who purchased from Model Technology, please contact Model Technology via the support line at
Technical support - electronic support services
Mentor Graphics customers
Mentor Graphics Customer Support offers a
Additionally, customers can open call logs or search the Mentor TechNote database of solutions to try to find the answers to their questions by logging onto Mentor Graphics’ Customer Support web home page at http://supportnetweb.mentorg.com.
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