Installed files - ModelSim EE
| Directory | Files & subdirectories | Description |
| ./docs | technotes, HTML, | general ModelSim |
| winhelp, | technotes, HTML |
| ee_start_here.pdf, | versions of the Tcl/ |
| ee_tutorial_<ver>.pdf, | Tk man pages, |
| ee_manual_<ver>.pdf, | WinHelp version of |
| ee_doc_index.pdf | the Tcl man pages, |
| sdk_um.pdf, | Start Here document |
| in PDF format, |
| ModelSim Tutorial |
| in PDF format, EE/ |
| PLUS Reference |
| Manual in PDF |
| format, ModelSim |
| documentation |
| index, MGC |
| standard developer’s |
| kit manual in PDF |
| format |
| ./examples | various | example simulation |
| models, testbenches, |
| macros, and utilities |
| ./examples/foreign | various | example file |
| directory for foreign |
| interface |
| ./examples/ | various | example file |
| mixedhdl |
| directory for mixed |
| VHDL/Verilog |
| design |
| ./examples/ | various | example files for |
| tcl_getstart |
| Tcl/Tk tutorial |
EE Installation 15