HP 430 manual Electronics Test, Bail Test, Electrical Test, ServoEncoder Test

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Electronics Test

Purpose￿3 Verify the operation of the FIBIS Column address and the shuffler￿

In service mode 1￿ press Electronics Test ￿Media Source and Reprint Keys￿￿

If the test passes￿ the Sheet L￿￿ ￿LED O￿ will light up￿

If the test fails￿ the Sheet L￿￿ ￿LED O￿ will start to flash￿

If the test fails￿ replace the ￿lectronics Module￿

Bail Test

Purpose 3 Tests the operation of the bail system￿ Service Station and the Y3axis by engaging and disengaging the bail3lift mechanism and capping￿uncapping the cartridges￿

In service mode 2￿ press Bail Test ￿Setup Key￿￿

If the Printer does not raise the Bail ￿ssembly then the test has failed￿

If the bail fails the test￿ replace the Bail3lift mechanism￿

Electrical Test

This tests the operation of some of the electrical components of the electronics module￿

In service mode 2￿ press Electrical Test ￿Form Feed Key￿￿

If the test fails￿ an error code will appear on the front3panel￿ Refer to System ￿rror Codes section in order to correctly troubleshoot the failure￿

Servo￿Encoder Test

The servo￿encoder test performs the Media3axis and Carriage3axis encoder test and also records the maximum friction detected in the ￿￿ROM￿ which can viewed on the service configuration plot￿

In service mode 2￿ press Servo￿Encoder Test ￿Media Type Key￿￿

To view the results of the test￿ you must print the Service Configuration Plot ￿Print Quality and Media Type keys￿￿

If the test fails￿ an error code will appear on the front3panel￿ Refer to System ￿rror Codes section in order to correctly troubleshoot the failure￿

Service Monitor (Data Display)

The service monitor is useful to find out why the Printer is not plotting what you expect it to plot￿ Instead of plotting the drawing that you send￿ the Printer prints the beginning and end of the code that would otherwise have been used to plot the drawing￿

In service mode 2￿ load a sheet of media ￿￿3 size or B size minimum￿ in portrait orientation and press Service Monitor ￿Media Type and Media Source Keys￿￿

Send the file from the computer through the serial or parallel ports ￿Ready L￿￿ flashes￿￿

Wait until the computer has indicated that it has sent the file ￿Ready L￿￿ continues to flash￿￿

While the Ready L￿￿ is flashing￿ press Service Monitor ￿Media Type and Media Source Keys￿ again￿

HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers

Quick Reference Service Manual 9

Image 11
Contents HP DesignJet 450C HP DesignJet 455CA PrintersENGLISH WarrantyWARNING +#&&* % What can I do if the Media continuously crashes? What can I do if the Printer does not Power ON?What can I do if the Printer has problems with the Cutter? What can I do if the Bail Mechanism Fails? System rror CodesWhat can I do if the Cover Sensor isnt Working? HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers Front anel Test Service TestsEntering Service Mode Stopping a TestAnalog Multiplexer Test Failure Carriage TestCartridge Continuity Test Failure Line Sensor Test FailureModular Test Media3Axis X3Axis TestBench Run Electrical Test Service Monitor Data DisplayElectronics Test Bail TestEerom Model ID Configuration Procedure Calibrations HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers
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Manual 125 pages 4.1 Kb