HP manual HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers

Page 6

System Error: Steady DM 5 Obstacle or friction in X5axis￿ Faulty or badly connected X5axis Encoder Cable￿ Faulty media motor￿ or motor cable pinched￿ Faulty electronics module￿

System Error: Steady DEFK 5 Not enough memory for current plot￿ Add extra memory￿ If this error code appeared while performing the Accuracy Calibration￿ Check that the quality of the Accuracy Calibration print is good￿ If the quality is bad￿ try to clean the black cartridge or replace it￿ Make sure that you load the Accuracy Calibration print in the correct position and orientation￿ and make sure that you select the correct media type￿ Make sure that the line sensor on the carriage is clean￿ Faulty Trailing Cable￿ Faulty Carriage Assembly￿ Faulty Electronics Module￿

System Error:

Steady DFK 5 Check the Bail Assembly￿ Check the Capping Position in

the Service Station￿






System Error:

Steady DEFM 5 Check the bail5lift system to see if it is working

correctly￿ Use the bail cycle test to help troubleshoot￿




System Error:

Steady DLM 5 Is X5axis calibration done? Did you load media in correct

orientation? Are the marks visible on the plot? If not￿ check cartridges￿ Are cartridges correctly aligned? If so￿ the problem may be in the electronics module￿ media motor or drive5roller gear; if alignment is incorrect￿ the problem may be in the carriage￿

System Error:

Steady FL 5 The Printer is using an old Firmware revision 5 Install the

latest firmware revision￿




System Error:

Steady DEFL 5 Report the problem to your HP Response Center￿ Note

conditions and actions before error occurred￿ Include setup sheet and service configuration plot in report￿

System Error:

Steady DEL 5 Incorrect configuration in communications speed￿protocol￿

Incorrect communications cable￿ Error in host computer￿




System Error:

Steady DFL 5 Replace the Electronics Module￿




System Error:

Steady DKL 5 The line on the mark encoder is dirty or missing￿ Faulty or

badly connected trailing cable￿ Faulty or badly connected carriage sensor￿ Faulty or badly connected X5axis Encoder Cable￿ The drive roller has shifted slightly from the expected position ￿mechanics￿￿ Check that the carriage sensor lights just over the white mark on the drive roller when starting￿ Faulty carriage PCA￿ Faulty X5motor￿ Faulty Y5motor￿ Faulty electronics module￿

System Error:

Steady EFL 5 Problems in the Centronics Communications￿ Probably

due to the bad contacts of the connector￿




System Error:

Steady FKL 5 Carriage assembly is not present￿ Faulty or badly

connected trailing cable￿ Faulty carriage PCA￿ Faulty electronics module￿

4 Quick Reference Service Manual

HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers

Image 6
Contents HP DesignJet 450C HP DesignJet 455CA PrintersENGLISH WarrantyWARNING +#&&* % What can I do if the Printer does not Power ON? What can I do if the Printer has problems with the Cutter?What can I do if the Media continuously crashes? System rror Codes What can I do if the Cover Sensor isnt Working?What can I do if the Bail Mechanism Fails? HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers Stopping a Test Service TestsEntering Service Mode Front anel TestLine Sensor Test Failure Carriage TestCartridge Continuity Test Failure Analog Multiplexer Test FailureMedia3Axis X3Axis Test Bench RunModular Test Bail Test Service Monitor Data DisplayElectronics Test Electrical TestEerom Model ID Configuration Procedure Calibrations HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers
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