HP 430 manual Calibrations

Page 13

￿r￿nt￿n￿ t￿￿ ￿￿rv￿￿￿ Con￿￿￿ur￿t￿on ￿lot

1In service mode 2, load a sheet in portrait orientation.

2￿hen the ￿￿￿￿y LED lights up, press the ￿r￿nt ￿u￿l￿ty ￿n￿ M￿￿￿￿ ￿yp￿ keys.

Cl￿￿r￿n￿ t￿￿ EE￿￿M

If you clear the calibration parameters, you will then need to perform

￿ ￿ U ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ the Printer calibrations. Clearing the EEROM also resets the factory spittoon value to 0% used. Keep in mind that the value printed on the service configuration plot may greatly underestimate the amount of ink in the spittoon.

Cl￿￿r￿n￿ Just t￿￿ B￿n￿￿run ￿n￿ C￿l￿￿r￿t￿on ￿￿r￿m￿t￿rs

1Switch the Printer OFF.

2￿hile holding down the Form F￿￿￿￿ C￿n￿￿l and M￿￿￿￿ ￿yp￿ keys down, switch the Printer ON.

3Once the the LEDs begin to light up one by one, release the keys.

Cl￿￿r￿n￿ Just t￿￿ ￿s￿r)D￿￿￿n￿￿ ￿￿tup ￿￿r￿m￿t￿rs

1Switch the Printer OFF.

2￿hile holding down the ￿￿pr￿nt￿ C￿n￿￿l￿ M￿￿￿￿ ￿yp￿ and M￿￿￿￿ ￿our￿￿ keys down, switch the Printer ON.

3Once the the LEDs begin to light up one by one, release the keys.

Cl￿￿r￿n￿ All ￿￿r￿m￿t￿rs

1Switch the Printer OFF.

2￿hile holding down the ￿￿tup￿ Form F￿￿￿￿ ￿￿pr￿nt￿ ￿r￿nt ￿u￿l￿ty and M￿￿￿￿ ￿yp￿ keys down, switch the Printer ON.

3Once the the LEDs begin to light up one by one, release the keys


￿￿r￿orm￿n￿ t￿￿ A￿￿ur￿￿y C￿l￿￿r￿t￿on

1Place a sheet of HP Matte Film over the top of the Printer for 10 minutes to let the sheet stabilize to the environmental conditions.

Use a sheet of approximate size A1 or D.

You must use HP Matte Film. Otherwise the optical sensor on the carriage will be calibrated incorrectly, and the Printer will have problems loading some types of media.

2Enter into ￿￿rv￿￿￿ Mo￿￿ 2, by powering ON the Printer while holding down the M￿￿￿￿ ￿our￿￿ key.

3Set the M￿￿￿￿ ￿yp￿ on the front panel to Co￿t￿￿ ￿￿p￿r.

HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers

Quick Reference Service Manual 11

Image 13
Contents HP DesignJet 450C HP DesignJet 455CA PrintersENGLISH WarrantyWARNING +#&&* % What can I do if the Printer has problems with the Cutter? What can I do if the Printer does not Power ON?What can I do if the Media continuously crashes? What can I do if the Cover Sensor isnt Working? System rror CodesWhat can I do if the Bail Mechanism Fails? HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers Entering Service Mode Service TestsStopping a Test Front anel TestCartridge Continuity Test Failure Carriage TestLine Sensor Test Failure Analog Multiplexer Test FailureBench Run Media3Axis X3Axis TestModular Test Electronics Test Service Monitor Data DisplayBail Test Electrical TestEerom Model ID Configuration Procedure Calibrations HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers
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