HP 430 manual What can I do if the Media continuously crashes?

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What can I do if the Printer continuously rejects Cartridges?

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Remove tape and align cartridges. When nozzle failures occur, clean the flex contacts on the cartridge and in the Carriage. Remove all cartridges from the Carriage and try installing just the rejected cartridge. If the cartridge is still rejected then replace the cartridge with a new one. If the new cartridge is not rejected then check, one by one, if the other cartridges are rejected or not. Replace the black cartridge with one with USE BEFORE date of May '96 or later. Make sure that the springs that hold the Cartridges in the Carriage are not broken or misplaced. Perform Carriage Test. Replace Trailing Cable or Carriage Assembly.

What can I do if the Media continuously crashes?

Check if the media loaded is HP approved. If not, advise the customer to use HP media and check to see if the problem is now solved. If the anti4static brush (located under the entry platen) is damaged or removed, static charge can build up on the media. A charge can cause the media to stick to itself and jam the Printer. Check and if necessary adjust the carriage4to4media distance and try to load the media again. The Drive Roller is installed incorrectly. The overdrive wheels turn free in both directions, creating bubbles in the media. Make sure that the Clutch assembly is installed correctly and is not faulty. Make sure that all the starwheels on the bail assembly are correctly installed and turn properly. Make sure that all the Media deflectors are installed.

What can I do if the Printer does not Power ON?

Check that the power cord is connected correctly. Check that the ROM SIMM (firmware) is installed correctly in the correct slot (the slot furthest from you) at the back of the Printer. Try to disconnect all the cables, apart from the Front Panel Cable, from the Electronics Module and then try to power ON the Printer again. If nothing appears on the front4panel display, then replace the Electronics Module. If the Printer does Power On with the cables disconnected, then the problem must be with another component of the Printer. To find the faulty component, power OFF the Printer and connect one of the cables and power ON again. Once the faulty component is connected, it will not allow the Printer to power ON. This component should then be replaced.

What can I do if the Printer has problems with the Cutter?

If the Carriage Assembly has problems picking up the Cutter:

Check that the cable for the Front4Panel Assembly is is not loose and is routed correctly in the cover clips. A loose cable can be trapped by the Cutter, preventing the Cutter from moving.

Make sure that the Spittoon Assembly is correctly installed and is aligned with the Overdrive Assembly. If the Spittoon is loose or mispositioned, the cutter will have problems parking in the right cover.

If the media crashes when moving the Cutter:

Make sure that there is no media trapped inside the Cutter mechanism. Remove the Cutter to inspect it correctly.

Remove the Cutter and make sure that both rotary blades are touching each other by the flat sides and not the sloping sides. If the rotary blades are touching each other by the sloping sides, you must reseat them.

The Printer must be placed as close to the edge as possible to make sure that the media that is coming out falls correctly, or else the cutter will crash into it.

2 Quick Reference Service Manual

HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers

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Contents HP DesignJet 450C HP DesignJet 455CA PrintersENGLISH WarrantyWARNING +#&&* % What can I do if the Printer has problems with the Cutter? What can I do if the Printer does not Power ON?What can I do if the Media continuously crashes? What can I do if the Cover Sensor isnt Working? System rror CodesWhat can I do if the Bail Mechanism Fails? HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers Service Tests Entering Service ModeStopping a Test Front anel TestCarriage Test Cartridge Continuity Test FailureLine Sensor Test Failure Analog Multiplexer Test FailureBench Run Media3Axis X3Axis TestModular Test Service Monitor Data Display Electronics TestBail Test Electrical TestEerom Model ID Configuration Procedure Calibrations HP DesignJet 430, 450C and 455CA Printers
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