Product Features
■Speakers included on the front panel of the multimedia models only
■Compliant with the following regulated specifications:
❏European Union CE Directives
❏Swedish MPR II 1990
❏Swedish TCO Display Requirements
vf17, FP17, L1702, f1723, and FP7317 Models
■1280 × 1024 native resolution, plus
■Wide viewing angle to allow viewing from a sitting or standing position, or moving
■Tilt adjustment capabilities.
■Removable pedestal and VESA 100mm mounting holes for flexible mounting solutions.
■Plug and play capability if supported by your system.
■Software and Reference Library CD includes an information file (INF), Image Color Matching file (ICM), and product documentation.
■Energy Saver feature for Energy Star compliance.
■Speakers included on the front panels of multimedia models only
User’s Guide |