phoneline gateway
network with other routers, including a separate network gateway that handles the Internet connection.
2In the TX field, choose the protocol to transmit data on the network.
3In the RX field, choose the protocol to receive data from the network.
4Click Apply to save changes.
static routing
If your Gateway is connected to more than one network, it may be necessary to set up a static route between them. Static routing determines the path that data follows over your network before and after it passes through your Gateway. You can use static routing to allow different IP domain users to access the Internet through this device.
Warning: This is an advanced feature. Please proceed with caution.
This Gateway is also capable of dynamic routing. To view the Dynamic Routing screen, select the Dyn. Routes tab. In many cases, it is better to use dynamic routing because it allows the Gateway to automatically adjust to physical changes in the network layout. In order to use static routing, the Gateway's DHCP settings must be disabled.