HP NetMail/3000 manual NetMail in Batch Jobs, 11MANAGER

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NetMail/3000 Menu Interface

Users Guide

NetMail in Batch Jobs

NetMail/3000 can be easily invoked in batch jobs by simply invoking the NetMail/3000 user agent (NETMAIL.SYS.THREEK) and providing input for the prompts which are generated. If only one command is to be executed, the command can be provided via the “INFO=” parame- ter, which will cause NetMail to process the single command (prompting for whatever informa- tion it needs) then to automatically terminate. Note that in this mode, NetMail/3000 operates in “command mode”, so you might want to refer to the NetMail/3000 Command Line Interface Users Manual for details on commands and syntax. For example:

1)!JOB user.acct1



5)This is a sample message which came from a batch 6)job! enjoy.




10)Message subject...




Note the blank lines - NetMail/3000 treats a blank line as if the user hit the RETURN key without entering any information.

It is important to remember when sending mail from a batch job that NetMail will need to recognize the batch job’s logon and associate it with a valid mailbox (so any recipient of a batch- generated message can tell WHO the message came from!). So be sure to verify that the logon which the batch job uses is linked (via an ALIAS) to a mailbox name.

In batch mode, for the most part, the same prompts appear as you would see if you were using the program interactively. Exceptions are the verification (OK TO PURGE OLD?) mes- sages in EDITOR.PUB.SYS and some other editors, as well as the same type of verification mes- sages in NetMail itself (i.e. OK TO DELETE THIS MESSAGE? etc.). In batch mode, verifications are automatically assumed positive. Still, it is best to simulate the command interac- tively and record the steps and prompts you went through.

Another important note is that if the mailbox the batch job is linked to has “NETEDIT” set as its message editor of choice, EDITOR.PUB.SYS will be used instead. NETEDIT is designed for interactive block-mode terminals and does not apply in batch mode, so NetMail automatically uses EDITOR instead.

Also be aware of prompts for spell checking and the inclusion of signature files if the user’s mailbox has these options enabled. If so, you will need to include responses for these


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Contents Menu Interface What You Need to Know About Sending Electronic Mail NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide What Are Mail Addresses? 70901.987@COMPUSERVE.COMRunning the NetMail Program RUN NETMAIL.SYS.THREEKBasic Operations ALT Key Cursor Keys Function Keys Message Options Compose/Send Message NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide Recipients Help Finding Mail Names NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide Delete Message NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide File Away Message Forward Message NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide Print Message Read Message NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide Reply to Message NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide Write to File NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide Save Attachment NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide Option Selections Set Signature NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide Verify Delete Set Printer Set Notification NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide Set Editor Set Auto Spell Checking Set Password Set Language Set Auto Reply Mailbox Names Spellcheck a File Display Selections Set Pause Set Headings Set Auto MultiMedia Set Listing Set Interface Set Mime Set Uuencode Set Binhex Folder Selections Goto Folder Create Folder Destroy Folder Mailing List Selections Add Mailing List NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide Remove Mailing List Edit Mailing List NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide Subscribe Mailing List Unsubscribe Mailing List Expand Mailing List NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide Show All Mailing Lists Help NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide Exit NetMail in Batch Jobs 11MANAGERNetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide Join *Y E Programmatic Access MultiMedia Mail NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide MultiMedia Installation and Setup SET NETMAILMM=C\NETMAILMultiMedia Operation NetMail/3000 Menu Interface Users Guide MultiMedia Customization Wav = soundrec.exe Special Terminal Types Setjcw NETMAILHPTERM=1HP AdvanceLink Terminal Emulator Hp3000 on &hostcontrol Hostcopy run monitor.pub.sysMinisoft’s MS92 Terminal Emulator Unison Software’s Business Session Terminal Emulator WRQ’s Reflection Terminal Emulator 102