gateway control panel tabs
4Enter the port number for the application; if a range is specified, click the Enter Port Range checkbox and enter the range of port numbers in the Starting Port and Ending Port fields.
5To specify the protocol, click Advanced and select among these choices:
❑Both TCP and UDP (the default)
6Click OK.
7Click Apply to save the changes.
To remove an application from the list:
1On the Application Hosting tab, click Remove Application(s).
2Click the checkbox next the application you wish to remove. You can check more than one box.
3Click OK.
4Click Apply to save the changes.
Expert Interface tab
This tab provides access to the Expert Interface described in the Appendix to this user’s guide. The other tabs of the Gateway Control Panel to provide automated access to the Expert Interface settings. Only advanced users should attempt to access the Expert Interface directly.
To access the Expert Interface, click Launch Expert Interface.
Caution: Only one user can access the Expert Interface at a time.
FAQ & Troubleshooting tab
This tab refers you to this user’s guide, which resides on the
❑Appendix: the Expert Interface