frequently asked questions (FAQs)
gateway general information
What is Network Address Translation (NAT) and what is it used for?
Network Address Translation (NAT) translates multiple IP addresses on the private LAN to one public address that is sent out to the Internet. This adds a level of network security since the addresses of PCs connected to the private LAN are never transmitted over the Internet. NAT also allows the Gateway to be used with
What type of firewall does the Gateway have?
The Gateway uses NAT and TCP/IP port inspections.
Is the Gateway
Any platform that supports Ethernet and TCP/IP is compatible with the Gateway.
Does the Gateway replace a modem? Is there a cable or DSL modem in the Gateway?
No, the Gateway must work in conjunction with a cable or DSL modem.
Which modems are compatible with the Gateway?
This Gateway is compatible with virtually any cable or DSL modem that supports Ethernet.
How can I check whether I have static or DHCP IP Addresses?
Consult your ISP to obtain this information.
How do I get mIRC to work with the Gateway?
On the PC on which you are using mIRC, click, the Forwarding tab on the Expert Interface and set Port forwarding to 113 (see “forwarding” on page 72 of the Appendix: Expert Interface). If you experience difficulty after setting port forwarding, try changing the Direct