1 Connecting to a Netware 3.12 Server
Windows for Workgroups
8Specify the settings as listed below:
❒3Com Fast Etherlink/Etherlink III Bus Master
9Under the heading “Select the driver for your network board”, insert the 3Com 3C339 drivers disk and set the path to “A:\NETWARE\CLIENT.” (If you have an HP preloaded HDD, set path to “C:\Masters\LanDrv\3C339\NWCLIENT\)
10Press “Enter” to continue the installation.
11When prompted, insert the corresponding disks to complete file transfer and driver installation.
12When the install utility is finished, press <CRTL><ALT><DEL> to restart the machine.
13After Windows loads, open the “NETWORK” folder,
14Select “Networks”, and verify that “Novell Netware (Workstation Shell 4.0 and above)” is listed under “Install Windows support for the following network only:” and click on “OK.”