If you are unable to shut down the computer with this procedure, try the following emergency shutdown procedures in the sequence provided:
ÄCAUTION: Using one of the following emergency shutdown procedures will result in the loss of unsaved information.
■Press ctrl+alt+delete. Then, in the
■Press and hold the power button for at least 5 seconds.
■Disconnect the computer from external power and remove the battery.
The computer is unusually warm
It is normal for the computer to feel warm to the touch while it is in use. But if the computer feels unusually warm, it may be overheating because a vent is blocked.
If you suspect that the computer is overheating, allow the computer to cool to room temperature. Then be sure to keep all vents free from obstructions while you are using the computer.
ÄCAUTION: To prevent overheating, do not obstruct vents. Use the computer only on a hard, flat surface. Do not allow another hard surface, such as such as an adjoining printer, or a soft surface, such as pillows or thick rugs or clothing, to block airflow.
✎The fan in the computer starts up automatically to cool internal components and prevent overheating. It is normal for the internal fan to cycle on and off during routine operation.
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