Expanding Functionality with Cards
Use the Optional 802.11 Card to Connect Wirelessly
Use the optional 802.11 card to connect wirelessly to the Internet or to a network with your Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC.
Install the 802.11 card
1.Install the
2.Insert the 802.11 card into the
If your 802.11 card is not recognized, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to install the driver
Remove the 802.11 card
1.Close all applications using the 802.11 card
2.Push the eject button
3.Pull the 802.11 card from the expansion pack
Locate information about 802.11 cards
Locate information about 802.11 cards at <http://www.compaq.com/products/handhelds/pocketpc/pccardlist.shtml>
Use an Optional Modem Card
Use an optional modem card to connect your Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC to the Internet or a network, but you must connect with a cable rather than through a wireless connection.
Install a modem card
1.Install the
2.Insert the modem card into the
If your modem card is not recognized, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to install the driver
Remove a modem card
1.Close all applications using the modem card
2.Push the eject button
3.Pull the modem card from the expansion pack and cable
iPAQ Pocket PC H3800 Series Reference Guide | 89 |