HP | Cluster Software Components and Quorum |
17.From the Quorum Resource drop list, select the shared Quorumname item (the example is Cluster1) and then click OK.
18.Click once on the Cluster Group in the left panel.
Remove the Local Quorum Resource
20.After the Local Quorum shows
21.The Cluster Group should now appear as shown:
3.6Test the Shared Quorum Failover
1.In the Cluster Administrator left panel, click once on the Cluster Group and observe the current ownership of the individual resources.
NOTE If not familiar with the default properties of the Cluster Group, right click the Cluster group and select Properties now. Note that by default, for example, Prevent Failback is checked. Properties extend to all resources within the group.
Also, do not change the possible owners list of any resources within a group, without understanding that if any resource cannot failover in the group if the surviving node is not in its list of possible owners, then the group cannot fail over.