Yellow and green LEDs on base plate
The yellow LED indicates unit operation. Under normal condi- tions, it flashes once per second. In the case of an alarm, it flashes twice per second.When it goes off, no voltage is reach- ing the base plate.
The green LED indicates communication with the remote ter- minal. In the case of a communication failure, this LED re- mains off (failures are normally due to bad contact between the telephone connector and one of the female bases on the main board or the terminal.
Probe calibration
If necessary, the probes can be calibrated by using the fol- lowing parameters.
Parameter | Description |
| Unit |
| ||
/6 | Calibration probe B1 (entering water | 0.1°C/F | ||
temperature) |
| ||
| |
/7 | Calibration probe B2 (discharge water | 0.1°C/F | ||
temperature exchanger 1) |
| |||
| ||
/8 | Calibration probe | B3 | (refrigerant | 0.1°C/F |
temperature circuit 1) |
| ||
| |
/9 | Calibration probe B4 (discharge water | 0.1°C/F | ||
temperature exchanger 2) |
| |||
| ||
/A | Calibration probe | B5 | (refrigerant | 0.1°C/F |
temperature circuit 2) |
| ||
Remote ON/OFF
A remote ON/OFF digital intake can be connected between terminals
A remote COOL/HEAT digital intake can be connected be- tween terminals
this intake, give value 1 to parameter H6 (H6 = 1). When this function is activated, the COOL/HEAT digital signal overrides the one originating at the keyboard and the unit remains in the COOL mode.
Protection of “DIRECT” parameters
Parameter H9 allows deactivating access to the DIRECT and USER parameters from the local and remote terminals. In any case, parameter values can be displayed but not changed. The following functions will also be deactivated: cool/heat selection, forced defrost and clearing of hour counters. To select the coo, heat, off and on functions, the remote digital cool/heat and remote on/off intakes must be used.
Parameter H9 | Remote terminal | Local terminal |
0 | Activated | Deactivated |
1 | Activated | Activated |
2 | Deactivated | Deactivated |
3 | Deactivated | Activated |
Buzzer configuration
Parameter P4 allows selecting three buzzer operating modes.
Parameter P4 Buzzer function
0Always disconnected
Between 1 & 14 Disconnects once this value in minutes is over
15Operating until the cause of the alarm disappears
Cooling cycle YLCC
The heat exchanger for water acts as an evaporator unit, while the finned coil acts as a condenser unit. The summer cycle diagram indicates the circuit followed by the refrigerant.
Cooling cycle diagram forYLCC
| FAN |
The units are made up of two circuits, with common water connections.