Message | Possible Cause | Solution |
No printable | The camera has | Disconnect the camera |
images in | no still images. | from the printer, then take |
memory. | Video clips | still images before |
or | cannot be printed | reconnecting the camera |
No printable | directly from the | to the printer. |
images on card. | camera. |
Cannot print video | You tried to select | If your printer supports |
clips. | video clip for | printing video clips, |
| printing. Video | transfer the video clip to |
| clips cannot be | your computer and print |
| printed from the | them from your computer. |
| camera. |
Printer top cover is | The printer is | Close the top cover of the |
open. | open. | printer. |
Incorrect or | The printer | Install a new printer |
missing print | cartridge is the | cartridge, turn the printer |
cartridge. | incorrect model | off, then turn it back on. |
or | or is missing. |
Incorrect or |
missing print |
head. |
The selected | You are trying to | Try selecting a smaller |
combination of | print a picture | print size, or try using |
paper type and | larger than the | photo paper to make |
size is not | paper size, you | borderless prints. |
supported. | are trying to print |
| borderless prints |
| on plain paper, |
| or your printer |
| does not support |
| borderless prints. |
Troubleshooting and support | 95 |