what's displayed
While you’re playing tracks in your library, your television displays the following:
Library mode icon
arrow indicates currently playing track
highlighted track
track titles and length
currently playing track
artist name - album title
1. | track 1 title | track length | |
| track 2 title | track length | |
| 2. | ||
| 3. | track 3 title | track length |
| 4. | track 4 title | track length |
| 5. | track 5 title | track length |
track title - artist | time elapsed/ | ||
| track length |
If you navigate to different screens while playing music in your library, press NOW PLAYING at any time to return to this screen.
The currently playing track will be highlighted.
And the front panel shows this information:
Library | Artist | |
mode icon | ||
Album title | ||
| ||
| Track title | |
| Length played/track length |
arrow indicates the currently playing track
enjoying your music library
hp digital entertainment center owner’s guide | 37 |