Using the Peripheral Status Monitor
Peripheral Status Monitor Overview
Peripheral Status Monitor Overview
The primary function of the peripheral status monitor, or PSM, is to convert hardware events into changes in device status. These changes in status can then be used by MC/ServiceGuard to control package failover.
The information in Chapter 2, “Installing and Using Monitors,” described how to configure your system to detect hardware events using the Monitoring Request Manager. In this chapter you will learn how to use the PSM to convert these events into changes in device status using the EMS GUI, which is accessed through SAM.
NOTE Can I Use the PSM Without MC/ServiceGuard?
Even if you are not using MC/ServiceGuard, you can still use the PSM to create hardware status monitoring requests using EMS. This allows you to get notification for changes in hardware resource status, much as you can for other EMS monitors. If you create a PSM monitoring request, when a hardware event occurs you may be alerted
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