Using the Peripheral Status Monitor
How Does the PSM Work?
How Does the PSM Work?
The PSM converts hardware events detected by the EMS Hardware Monitors to “UP” or “DOWN” status, which is used by MC/ServiceGuard in controlling package failover. Figure
Because hardware event monitors detect and report the occurrence of events rather that resource status, a method is required to alert MC/ServiceGuard when a hardware resource has a status that may impact data availability. The PSM provides this functionality, serving as the interface between the hardware event monitors and MC/ServiceGuard.
Some monitors can determine when a problem has been corrected and the hardware is functioning properly. These monitors automatically alert the PSM when the hardware is fixed, and the PSM will return the state of the hardware to UP. Other monitors do not have the capability of determining when the hardware problem is corrected. With these monitors it will be necessary for the user to use the set_fixed utility to manually return the operational state to UP.
Chapter 4 | 67 |