Error Condition | Recommended Action |
Physical volumes cannot be | Verify that the disk array logical devices are correctly formatted. |
created (pvcreate). | Verify that the |
| |
| Verify that the correct |
| pvcreate (for example, /dev/rdsk/...). |
Volume group cannot be | Verify that the directory for the new volume group exists. |
created (vgcreate). | Verify that the control file exists. |
| |
| Verify that the correct major number (64) and minor number are used |
| with mknod. |
| Verify that the |
| with vgcreate. |
| Verify that the physical volume is not already allocated to another |
| volume group. |
Logical volumes cannot be | Verify that the volume capacity for |
created (lvcreate). | than the maximum capacity allowed. See the Device Emulations |
| Appendix. |
| Verify that the capacity of the volume group is not less than the total |
| capacity of the partitioned logical volume. |
The file system cannot be | Verify that the |
created (newfs command). | newfs (for example, /dev/vg01/r/vo/x). |
A file system is not mounted | Verify that the host was restarted correctly. |
after rebooting. | Verify that the file system attributes are correct. |
| |
| Verify that the |
| (/etc/fstab) file is correct. |
Troubleshooting | 57 |