3.Increase the initial memory by changing the following parameters in /bin/hpvmmsmp.conf:
# Initial Java Heap Size (in MB)
# Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB) wrapper.java.maxmemory=1024
4.Start the server migration Source Agent by doing one of the following at the command line:
• Type ./startHPSMPCnt.sh and then press Enter.
• Navigate to the smpagent/bin directory and then run the startHPSMPCnt.sh script.
Linux migration might fail when X Windows configuration is not properly formatted
Linux migrations might fail when the X Windows configuration file xorg.conf is not properly formatted. The configuration file must have at least one ServerLayout section. The presence of log items like the following examples in the hpsmpsvc.log file indicates that the xorg.conf file does not have any ServerLayout sections:
2011/03/14 14:19:34 - The job failed
2011/03/14 14:19:34 com.hp.mx.smp.vmtools.grid.VmmRuntimeException: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
2011/03/14 14:19:34 at com.hp.mx.smp.vmtools.grid.transport.LinuxMigrationJob.heteroInjectDrivers (LinuxMigrationJob.java:1015)
2011/03/14 14:19:34 at com.hp.mx.smp.vmtools.grid.transport.LinuxMigrationJob.heterogenousCopy (LinuxMigrationJob.java:258)
Suggested action
If the migration fails and the X Windows configuration file on the source server does not have at least one ServerLayout section, do the following:
1.Rename /etc/X11/xorg.conf to /etc/X11/xorg.bak on the source server.
2.If required, boot the server in single user mode.
4.After migration is complete, rename /etc/X11/xorg.bak back to /etc/X11/xorg.conf on the source server.
Partitions created with
Partitions created with
Suggested action
Proceed with the migration.
Migration hangs if the source server is shut down
In some network, firewall, or router configuration scenarios, Insight Control might fail to recognize that the source server is no longer available during a migration and remain in migration mode.
Suggested action
Perform the following procedure:
1.Close the server migration wizard.
60 Troubleshooting