HP 3070A manual Control panel, EPrint

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Control panel







1Back: Returns to the previous screen.

2Cancel: Stops the current operation, restores default settings.

3Setup: Opens the Setup menu where you can check estimated ink levels, change Auto Power-Off setting, perform maintenance tasks, and set language and region settings.

4Selection buttons: Use buttons to select menu items on the printer display.

5Wireless status light and button: Blue light indicates wireless connection. Blinking light indicates that wireless is on, but the printer is not connected to a network. Pressing button opens wireless menu. Use the wireless menu to print network configuration and test pages, view wireless signal strength, establish a Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) connection, and more.

6ePrint light and button: White light indicates ePrint is connected. ePrint allows you to send images or documents through an email address to the printer.

7On button


ePrint is a free HP service that provides a safe and easy way to print by sending an email to your printer’s email address. If you can send an email, you can use ePrint!

To use ePrint your printer must be connected to the internet on a wired or wireless network.

If you did not enable ePrint when you first installed your printer software, press the ePrint button on the control panel to enable ePrint, and then follow the instructions on the printer display.

When you enable ePrint you will need to agree to the terms of use for web services. See the document “TERMS AND CONDITIONS for HP ePRINT, Print apps and ePrintCenter for HP web-connected printers” included in the printer box and on the web at www.hp.com/go/ePrintCenter.

If you have enabled ePrint, press the ePrint button on the control panel to view your printer email address, ePrint status, check and manage product updates, and more.

Go to www.hp.com/go/ePrintCenter to learn more about ePrint and register your printer.

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Contents HP Deskjet 3070A e-ALL-IN-ONE Series 178Control panel EPrintAbout wireless networking Connect to additional computers on a networkInk usage Power specifications Find more informationBasic troubleshooting Wireless network troubleshooting Printer cannot be found during software installationWireless network troubleshooting HP printer limited warranty statement HP Deskjet 3070A e-ALL-IN-ONE Series РусскийПанель управления Кнопка ВклРабота в беспроводной сети Подключение к другим компьютерам в сетиХарактеристики питания Источники дополнительной информацииИспользование чернил Регистрация HP DeskjetУбедитесь, что принтер включен Устранение основных неполадокПерезагрузите компьютер Проверьте очередь печатиУстранение неполадок беспроводной сети Беспроводные подключенияУстранение неполадок беспроводной сети Ограниченная гарантия на принтер HP HP תספדמ לש תלבגומ תוירחא תרהצה בשחמה ףוסבלו תספדמה ןכמ רחאל ,הליחת בתנה תיטוחלא הספדהב תיטוחלאה תשרב תויעב ןורתפתיתיבה תשרה תועצמאב החטבא תונכותב שומישל תוצעבשחמה תויעב ןורתפל םיאבה םיבלשה תאםייטוחלא םירוביח דבלבתויסיסב תויעב ןורתפ ףסונ עדימ רותיא ךסמה יבג-לעש תוארוהל םאתהב לעפ תיטוחלא תשרב הדובע תודואוז תספדמ רובע יטוחלא רוביחל םיפסונ םיבשחמב Deskjetהרקבה חול ינורטקלא ראוד תבותכ תועצמאב יוביכ/הלעפה ןצחלHP Deskjet 3070A e-ALL-IN-ONE Series