Build the air system to governor cutout. Shut off the engine. Using a soap solution, check all hoses and fittings leading to and from the PuraGuard® system filter for leakage and integrity. Repair any excessive leaks - exceeding a 1” bubble in 5 seconds - before restoring vehicle to service.
PuraGuard® System Filter Troubleshooting Chart
1. More often than normal | A. PuraGuard® system filter | A. See Figures 2 and 3 for correct installation. | |
| (monthly) sump draining | installed in incorrect |
| required. | position in system. |
| B. Alcohol injector in | B. The PuraGuard® system filter is not |
| system. | recommended to be used in conjunction with an |
| alcohol evaporator or injector. [The PuraGuard® |
| system filter will remove the liquid or aerosol |
| alcohol introduced, defeat the purpose of the |
| evaporator/injector and require the sump to be |
| drained more often than usual.] |
| C. Air dryer malfunction. | C. Check air dryer. |
| D. Compressor malfunction. | D. Check compressor. |
2. | Bypass feature not | A. Supply and delivery air | A. Reverse hose connections. |
| working. | connections reversed. |
3. | Oil in system. | A. Supply and delivery air | A. Reverse hose connections. |
| connections reversed. |
| B. Sump not drained | B. Drain sump every 300 operating hours, or 8,000 |
| regularly. | miles or one (1) month. |
| C. Filter element | C. Use a maintenance kit to replace PuraGuard® |
| maintenance interval | system filter element every 3600 operating |
| exceeded. | hours, or 100,000 miles or one (1) year. |
| D. Air dryer malfunction. | D. Check air dryer. |
| E. Compressor malfunction. | E. Check compressor. |