0xA6 | SCSI Detect |
0xA7 | SCSI Enable |
0xA8 | Setup Verifying Password |
0xA9 | Start of Setup |
0xAA | Reserved for ASL |
0xAB | Setup Input Wait |
0xAC | Reserved for ASL |
0xAD | Ready To Boot event |
0xAE | Legacy Boot event |
0xAF | Exit Boot Services event |
0xB0 | Runtime Set Virtual Address MAP Begin |
0xB1 | Runtime Set Virtual Address MAP End |
0xB2 | Legacy Option ROM Initialization |
0xB3 | System Reset |
0xB4 | USB hot plug |
0xB5 | PCI bus hot plug |
0xB6 | |
0xB7 | Configuration Reset (reset of NVRAM settings) |
0xB8 – 0xBF | Reserved for future AMI codes |
0xC0 – 0xCF | OEM BDS initialization codes |
0xD0 | CPU initialization error |
0xD1 | North Bridge initialization error |
0xD2 | South Bridge initialization error |
0xD3 | Some of the Architectural Protocols are not available |
0xD4 | PCI resource allocation error. Out of Resources |
0xD5 | No Space for Legacy Option ROM |
0xD6 | No Console Output Devices are found |
0xD7 | No Console Input Devices are found |
0xD8 | Invalid password |
0xD9 | Error loading Boot Option (LoadImage returned error) |
0xDA | Boot Option is failed (StartImage returned error) |
0xDB | Flash update is failed |
0xDC | Reset protocol is not available |