DRAM RAS# Activate to Precharge
This controls the number of DRAM clocks for TRAS. Configuration options: [4 DRAM Clocks], [5 DRAM Clocks], [6 DRAM Clocks], [7 DRAM Clocks], [8 DRAM Clocks], [9 DRAM Clocks], [10 DRAM Clocks], [11 DRAM Clocks], [12 DRAM Clocks], [13 DRAM Clocks], [14 DRAM Clocks], a n d [ 1 5 D R A M Clocks].
Boot Graphic Adapter Priority
This allows you to select [PCI/PCIE] or [PCIE/PCI] as the boot graphic adapter priority. The default value is [PCI/PCIE].
OnBoard HD Audio
Select [Auto], [Enabled] or [Disabled] for the onboard HD Audio feature. If you select [Auto], the onboard HD Audio will be disabled when PCI Sound Card is plugged.
Front Panel Control
Select [Auto], [Enabled] or [Disabled] for the onboard HD Audio Front Panel.
OnBoard LAN
This allows you to enable or disable the “OnBoard LAN” feature.
VCCM (DRAM) Voltage
Use this to select VCCM (DRAM) Voltage. Configuration options: [High], [Middle], [Low], and [Auto]. The default value of this feature is [Auto].
+1.5V Voltage
Configuration options: [High] and [Normal]. The default value of this feature is [Normal].
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