Hardware Setup
Phase LEDs
These LEDs indicate the current IOH power phase mode. Follow the instructions below to read.
IOH is in 1 phase power mode.
IOH is in 2 phase power mode.
DDR Phase LEDs
These LEDs indicate the current DDR power phase mode. Follow the instructions below to read.
DDR is in 1 phase power mode.
DDR is in 2 phase power mode.
Lights when the hard drive is operating.
Power LED
Every time you press the power button and it is functional, the power LED will blink once.
Reset LED
Every time you press the reset button and it is functional, the reset LED will blink once.
Minus LED
Every time you press the minus button and it is functional, the minus LED will blink once.
Plus LED
Every time you press the plus button and it is functional, the plus LED will blink once.