PYLE Audio ple420p owner manual precautions, troubleshooting

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• Never drive with the volume raised so high

ple420p you cannot hear what is occuring in traffic around you.

Be aware that repeated exposure to excessive volume levels can permanently damage your hearing!

Keep all electronics away from moisture, dust, extreme heat or extreme vibrations.

Pyle Audio products are capable of sound pressure levels in excess of 150 dB. Continuous exposure to sound pressure levels over 100 dB may cause permanent loss of hearing. Use common sense and PRACTICE SAFE SOUND.


If you experience...

Signal Processor does not turn on. Check that:

Remote Turn-On wire has 12V.

12V wire has 12V.

Ground wire is properly connected.

Level of sound is low. Check that:

Wiring is not loose or cables misconnected/disconnected.

RCA cables are not faulty.

Background noise is too high. Check that:

Wiring is not loose or cables misconnected/disconnected.

RCA cables are not faulty.


Image 12
Contents o w n e r ’ s ma n ua l powerple420p 1 H5Kcongratulations table of contents Ple420pgeneral features ple420pple420p specifications ple420pple420p features and controls front rearple420p features 16-17.DVD/AUX input gain adjustmentspower connections 11-12.DVD and AUX inputsmounting and installation wiring tipsmounting ple420pelectrical connections rearple420p system wiring power amplifierpower amplifier power amplifiersystem wiring ple420pa 4 channel amp and subwoofer amp left and right DVD outputs from head unitprecautions troubleshootingPage l i m i t e d w a r r a n t y p o l i c y R.A.# Pyle Service Center 1600 63rd StreetBrooklyn, NY