Samsung SCC-C9302FP, SCCC9302FP/SAU, SCC-C9302P/SAU manual Installing the Camera side to a Pipe

Page 10

Installing the Camera

3)Assemble the DOME COVER.(Use the L WRENCH to firmly adjust the BOLT into place to make it waterproof.)

-To change the direction of the SAMSUNG LOGO

on the DOME COVER,change the assemble location

Eof the connection rubber and turn it back into place as in the following image. (For 180 • only)

Installing the CAMERA side to a PIPE

1.Pull the power cable and video cable from the PIPE assembly hole at the bottom of the CAMERA bottom,out through the PIPE assembly hole on the side.

1)Use a coin or slotted driver to turn the CAP BOLT assembled in the PIPE assembly hole on the side anti-clockwise and disassemble it from the CASE.

2)Take the power cable and video cable from the PIPE assembly hole at the bottom and push the cables through the hole to pass through the PIPE assembly hole on the side.

3.Use a coin or slotted driver to turn the CAP BOLT previouslydisassembled from the CASE clockwise to reassemble it.

(Check to see if the O RING (P22 T2.4)

is attached to the CAP-BOLT.


If there is no O RING, the product will not be


properly waterproofed and may malfunction.)


4.Rearrange and pull the connected power cable and video cable into the PIPE. Assemble

the screw helix (3/4" threaded)for the PIPE assembly of the CAMERA and screw helix (3/4" threaded)for the PIPE and fix the SET.

(* Completely wrap the screw helix area of the PIPE with TEFLON TAPE to make it waterproof. Make sure the cable does not get caught in the tape.)

5.Adjust the LENS in the direction you want.

(For more information on adjusting the LENS, disassembling the DOME COVER and assembly methods,please refer to 'Installing the CAMERA bottom to a PIPE'in section no.3.)



Image 10
Contents SCC-C9302FP Important Safety Instructions FCC Statement Table of Contents Chapter OverviewIntroduction Part Names and FunctionsInstalling the Camera ❶ Camera Operation Switches Setup SwitchesBefore Installation Checking the Contents of the PackageBefore Installation Installing on a Pipe for SCC-C9302P Preparing CablesInstalling the Camera side to a Pipe Installing on the ceiling Additionally Connecting the Alarm Cable Connecting Cables and Checking Operations Setup Menu Overview Structure of the Setup MenuCamera Menu Organization Camera IDWDR Shutter AGC/MOTION Focus Mode COLOR/BW Auto Privacy Special As follows Preset SCC-C9302P External Connector Pin Specifications Product SpecificationsAlarm Electronics ÊÛÍÓ‚Ó‰ÒÚ‚Ó ÔÓθÁÓ‚‡ÚÂÎfl ˝ÎÂÍÚ˘ÂÒÍËÏ Úóíóï ‡ÊÌ˚ Ô‡‚Ë· ÚÂıÌËÍË ·ÂÁÓÔ‡ÒÌÓÒÚË‰ÛÔÂʉÂÌË ‰ÂÈÒÚ‚Ë „‡‡ÌÚËËÉ·‚‡ 3 ä‡ÚÍËÈ Ó·ÁÓ ÏÂÌ˛ ̇ÒÚÓÂÍ ‚ˉÂÓ͇ÏÂ˚ É·‚‡‰‡ÌÌÓÈ „·‚ Ô‰ÒÚ‡‚ÎÂÌÓ Í‡ÚÍÓ ÓÔËÒ‡ÌË ‚‰ÂÌË ‡Á‚‡ÌË ÍÓÏÔÓÌÂÌÚÓ‚ Ë ÙÛÌ͈ËË❸ ê‡Á˙ÂÏ RS485 Ë ‚˚ıÓ‰ÌÓÈ ‡Á˙ÂÏ Ò˄̇· ÚÂ‚Ó„Ë ¯Ú˚¸ÍÓ‚˚È ·˚˜ÌÓÏ ‡·Ó˜ÂÏ ÂÊËÏÂÓ‚Â͇ ÍÓÏÔÎÂÍÚ‡ ÔÓÒÚ‡‚ÍË ÌÒÚ‡Ìӂ͇ ‚ˉÂÓ͇ÏÂ˚ÈÂ‰ ÛÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÍÓÈ ˝ÚÓÈ „·‚ ÓÔËÒ‡ÌÓ, ͇ÍË ÔÓ‚ÂÍË ‰ÓÎÊÌ˚ ·˚Ú¸ËÏÂ ÛÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÍË ÈÂ‰ ÛÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÍÓÈÀÒÔÓθÁÓ‚‡ÌË Ûôîóúìëúâîâï Ë Í˚¯ÍÓÈ ÉÔËÒ‡ÌË ÓÚ‚ÂÒÚËÈ ‰Îfl ÛÒÚ‡ÌÓ‚ÍËÒúâìû SADT-102WM‡·Âθ ·ÎÓ͇ ÔËÚ‡ÌËfl ÇÂÓ·ıÓ‰ËÏ˚ ͇·ÂÎËÌÒ Ú‡ ÌÓ ‚ Í ‡ ̇ ÚÛ·ÍÛ ‰Îfl SCC-C9302P ‡·Âθ ‚ˉÂÓÒ˄̇·ÌÒ Ú‡Ì Ó‚ Í ‡ ·ÓÍÓ‚ÓÈ ˜‡ÒÚË Í‡ÏÂ˚ ̇ ÚÛ·ÍÛ ÉÓËÁÓÌڇθÌÓ ÇÂÚË͇θÌÓÌÒ Ú‡ ÌÓ ‚ Í ‡ ̇ Ôóúóîóí ‰Îfl SCC-C9302P ÑÓÔÓÎÌËÚÂθÌÓ ÔÓ‰Íβ˜ÂÌË ͇·ÂÎfl Ò˄̇· ÚÂ‚Ó„Ë For SCC-C9302P For SCC-C9302FÌÒÚ‡Ìӂ͇ ‚ˉÂÓ͇ÏÂ˚ ÈÓ‰Íβ˜ÂÌË ͇·ÂÎÂÈ Ë ÔÓ‚ÂÍË ˝Í‡Ì, ÍÓÚÓ˚È ˜ÂÂÁ 5 ÒÂÍÛ̉ ËÒ˜ÂÁ‡ÂÚËÚÛÍÚÛ‡ ÏÂÌ˛ ̇ÒÚÓÂÍ ‡ÚÍËÈ Ó·ÁÓ ÏÂÌ˛ ̇ÒÚÓÂÍ ‚ˉÂÓ͇ÏÂ˚Privacy Iris ÑàÄîêÄÉåÄ ËÚÛÍÚÛ‡ åÖçû çÄëíêéÖä ÇàÑÖéäÄåÖêõCamera ID àÑÖçíàîàäÄíéê ÇàÑÖéäÄåÖêõ ALC ÄÇíéåÄíàóÖëäÄü êÖÉìãàêéÇäÄ éëÇÖôÖççéëíàWDR Ó‚Â̸ WDR Ë Flickerless çÂÏÂˆ‡˛˘ÂÂË Ò··ÓÏ ÓÒ‚Â˘ÂÌËË, ·˚ÎË ·ÓΠ˜ÂÚÍËÏË Ë Shutter áÄíÇéêÊìóçéâ ÓÒ‚Â˘ÂÌÌÓÒÚËAPì APì/ÑBàÜEHàEWhite BAL ÅÄãÄçë ÅÖãéÉé ÚÂÏÔÂ‡ÚÛ.R ATW1 2500K ~ 9300K1Alarm SET ÑÖíÖäíéê ÑÇàÜÖçàü Focus Mode êÖÜàå îéäìëàêéÇäàÔÂÂÏ¢ÂÌË ‚ χÍÒËχθÌÓ Ôóîóêâìëâ Tele COLOR/BW ñÇÖíçéÖ/óÖêçé-ÅÖãéÖ àáéÅêÄÜÖçàÖ ÑBETHOEÙÚÓ ÂÊËÏ ‡·ÓÚ˚ Ò ‚˚Íβ˜ÂÌÌ˚Ï àä ÙËθÚÓÏ Ë ÓÖêçé-ÅÖãéÖAbto Privacy óÄëíçÄü áéçÄ Special CèEñàAãúHõâ POSI/NEGA Ç˚·Ó ÔÓÁËÚË‚ÌÓ„Ó ËÎË Ì„‡ÚË‚ÌÓ„Ó ËÁÓ·‡ÊÂÌËfl‡Ï‡fl ÌËÁ͇fl ÒÍÓÓÒÚ¸ Ú‡ÌÒÙÓ͇ˆËË ÌËÁ͇fl ÒÍÓÓÒÚ¸ Ú‡ÌÒÙÓ͇ˆËËPreset èêÖÑìëíÄçéÇäÄ Exit ÇõïéщËÌˈ˚ ÏÏ CN 52 ÇıÓ‰ ÔËÚ‡ÌËfl ͇ÏÂ˚ Ë ‚˚ıÓ‰ ‚ˉÂÓÒ˄̇· ‡Á̇˜ÂÌËfl ÍÓÌÚ‡ÍÚÓ‚ ‚̯ÌÂ„Ó ‡Á˙ÂχÍÂıÌ˘ÂÒÍË ı‡‡ÍÚÂËÒÚËÍË ‚ˉÂÓ͇ÏÂ˚ ÏÄêÄäíÖêàëíàäÄ ÁçÄóÖçàÖÉÚ -10ºë ‰Ó +50ºë 14 ºF 122 ºF ‡Ò‚ÂÚÍËElectronics Instrukcja obs∏ugi Odbarwienie powierzchni lub uszkodzenie pow∏oki zewn´trznej UwagaZranienie lub uszkodzenie sprz´tu Instaluj w dobrze przewietrzanej lokalizacjiSpis treÊci ChapterPrzeglàd Nazewnictwo cz´Êci i funkcji Widok z przodu❶ Przyciski sterowania kamery przyciski konfiguracji ❸ Z∏àcze RS485 i z∏àcze wyjÊcia alarmowego 4-stykoweMonta˝ kamery ❷ Z∏àcze wejÊcia zasilania i z∏àcze wyjÊcia wideo 4-stykoweObraz Przed rozpocz´ciem instalacjiSprawdzenie zawartoÊci zestawu ZastosowanieOpis Otworów monta˝owych Przed zamontowaniemPrzyk∏ad monta˝u Zabezpieczonej Przed Wandalizmem SCC-C9302PPod∏àczenie kabli Przygotowanie kabliMonta˝ na Rurze kamera SCC-C9302P Mocowanie boku Kamery na Rurze Monta˝ na suficie kamera SCC-C9302P Przed rozpocz´ciem monta˝u uwa˝nie zapoznaç si´ z cz´ÊciàDodatkowe pod∏àczanie Przewodu Alarmowego Pod∏àczanie przewodów i sprawdzanie dzia∏ania Nawigacja menu poczàtkowego Setup Menu Przeglàd menu konfiguracjiStruktura menu poczàtkowego Numer identyfikacyjny kamery Camera IDKOMP. Migotania Ruchu Je˝eli b´dziesz przyciskaç i w menuAGC/RUCHU Tryb Ustawiania Ostroâci Focus Mode FunkcjiTryb Pracy W Kolorze / CZERNI-BIELI Kolor LevelAuto Privacy Specjalne Ustawiç szybkoÊç zmiany ustawienia ogniskowej Predkosc Zoom U˝yjMenu Predkosc ZOOM, aby Zoom Ustawienie zakresu zoomu cyfrowego do 10-krotnegoUstawienia czasu przywrócenia pozycji Home Return WYL MIN 2MIN 3~60MIN 2 Godz ~12 GodzJednostka mm Przes∏ona sterowana elektronicznie CN 51 WyjÊcie sterujàce RS485 i alarmoweObjaÊnienie styków z∏àcz zewn´trznych CN 52 WejÊcie zasilania kamery i wyjÊcie sygna∏u wideoTemp. pracy 10C~+50C 14~122Electronics
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SCC-C9302P, SCCC9302FP/SAU, SCC-C9302P/SAU, SCC-C9302FP specifications

The Samsung SCC-C9302FP, SCC-C9302P/SAU, SCCC9302FP/SAU, and SCC-C9302P represent a remarkable range of advanced CCTV cameras designed to cater to various security needs in a diverse array of environments. These models are equipped with features that enhance surveillance efficiency, making them popular choices for both residential and commercial applications.

One of the standout features of the SCC-C9302 series is its high-resolution imaging capability. These cameras offer vivid image quality with a resolution that allows for clear visuals even in challenging lighting conditions. The incorporation of advanced image sensors ensures that every detail is captured with remarkable clarity, making it easy to identify subjects and monitor activities in real time.

These cameras are designed with sophisticated technology such as Samsung's proprietary Digital Signal Processing (DSP). This ensures that images are processed efficiently, providing consistent clarity and color balance regardless of the light levels. The cameras also support various lens options, which allow for flexible installation options and can adapt to various monitoring needs. Users can choose between different focal lengths to cover specific areas, ensuring optimal surveillance coverage.

In addition to excellent image quality, the SCC-C9302 series is equipped with robust features to enhance nighttime surveillance capabilities. The integration of infrared technology allows the cameras to capture clear images even in complete darkness, proving crucial for 24-hour monitoring. This feature significantly reduces blind spots, ensuring no activity goes unnoticed during low-light conditions.

Durability is another characteristic that sets the SCC-C9302 series apart. Constructed from high-quality materials, these cameras are built to withstand various environmental conditions, making them suitable for indoor and outdoor applications. They are often weather-resistant and designed to operate effectively in extreme temperatures, providing reliable performance in diverse climates.

Moreover, these cameras support multiple video compression formats, which aids in efficient storage and bandwidth use. With options like H.264 compression, they allow users to save valuable storage space without compromising on video quality. This feature is particularly beneficial for organizations that require extensive surveillance coverage without overwhelming storage needs.

Enhanced connectivity options facilitate easier installation and integration into existing security systems. The cameras come with both analog and digital output options, allowing for versatile use in various surveillance setups. This flexibility ensures compatibility with existing infrastructure, enabling seamless upgrades without the need for complete system overhauls.

In summary, the Samsung SCC-C9302FP, SCC-C9302P/SAU, SCCC9302FP/SAU, and SCC-C9302P embody the perfect amalgamation of quality, innovation, and resilience. With their high-resolution imaging, durability, advanced imaging technologies, and flexible installation options, these models provide top-tier security solutions that meet the evolving demands of today’s surveillance landscape.