-Multicast port : UDP Port used to transfer video signal with the UDP Multicast protocols. The default is 60005(UDP).
-TTL* : Set the TTL for the VNP packet.
The default is 63, and if you want to change the address, specify it ranging from 0 to 255.
yRTP confi guration : You can set the RTP protocol.
-RTSP port : You can set the RTSP port.
-Streaming port : Used to transfer video signal with the RTP protocols. The default range is between 61000 and 61999.
-Multicast address : IP address used to transfer video signal with the RTP protocols.
-Multicast port : Used to transfer video signal with the
-TTL* : You can set the TTL for the RTP packet.
2.When done, click [Apply].
Your settings are saved and the system restarts. The currently opened web browser will be closed.
M If the IP router has more than one camera connected, you should configure IP and port settings differently with each other.
To set the user account
1.Click <Basic> - <User>.
The User setup window appears.
y Login authentication : You can set to authenticate the login by the user.
-If you select <Enable>, the user should have gone through the login authentication; if selecting <Disable>, every user can access
the system without the login authentication, having the ordinary user permissions.
-When done, click [Apply].
yUser login ID/password list : Displays a list of accessible users ID, passwords, and ratings.
-You can add up to 10 users.
-The admin ID is "root".
-The password for the admin ID can be changed, but not added or deleted.
2.When done, click [Apply]. Your settings will be saved.
The currently opened web browser will be closed.