•This page is about permission message for the customer information survey.
This is the permission message informing you that you will get a free warranty extension by completing a customer information survey.
For data security, you can check the “PRIVACY POLICY” by choosing the link on the last line. The window will pop up and display the complete details.
If you don’t want to complete the customer survey and receive free warranty extension, choose the “MAIN” or “Register Later” button.
If you want to complete the customer survey and receive free warrancy extension, choose the “Register Now” button.
Customer Registration and Information
• This page is for permission to get customer information.
Customer Information Survey
You will get a free warranty extension by completing customer the information sur- vey.
All *asterisk items must be input. The following message will appear if there is any missing item.
Insufficient information
Please enter a Marital status.
The survey consists of two parts;
one is for user information and the other for household information.
If you don’t want to complete the cus- tomer survey and receive free warranty extension, choose the “MAIN” button.
For the data security, you can check the “PRIVACY POLICY” on the upper blue box.