Samsung DVD-P350K/AND, DVD-P350K/AFR Connection to a TV S-Video, Video in terminal of your TV

Page 72


Connection to a TV (S-Video)

-Connecting to your TV using an S-Video cable.

-You will enjoy high quality images. S-Video separates the picture element into black and white(Y) and color(C) signals to present clearer images than regular video input mode. (Audio signals are delivered through the audio output.)


Using an S-Video cable (not included), connect the


OUT terminal on the rear of the DVD player to the


S-VIDEO IN terminal of your TV.



Using the audio cables, connect the

AUDIO (red and white)

OUT terminals on the rear of the DVD player to the

AUDIO (red

and white) IN terminals of your TV.



Turn on the DVD player and TV.




Press the input selector on your TV remote control until the S-Video signal from the DVD player appears on your TV screen.





Audio Cable

S-Video Cable



(not included)





Set the Video Output to COMPOSITE/S-VIDEOin the Display

Setup menu. (See pages 52 to 53)


-If you want to connect to an Amplifier, please refer to the Amplifier connection page. (See pages 15 to 16)

-The number and position of terminals may vary depending on the TV set. Please refer to the user's manual of your TV.


Image 72
Contents يد ﻲﻓ يد ﻞﻴﻐﺸﺗ زﺎﻬﺟ AK68-00639K-00«bŽù« Ʊ ² öÝ qł√ sÊUNO³Mð Æ≥ ’dI « Æ¥≥ ≠ WOÐdF UI×K*« ¥ ≠ WOÐdFWG³M¹ UL bFÐ sŽ rJײ « UNł qLF¹ r Uł ≠ WOKš ≠ Ë√ ´ VDI « W× s ÆW¹-UD³ « -UHM²Ý« s² « WOÝUÝ« nzUþu «NzUþË f U« »U³ « ≠ WOÐdF«bŽù« UF « «bŽù« TBzUBšË ’dI « Ÿu½ DivX œUL²Ž«’dI « Íœ q?OGAð UNł w ÆÍœ w«bŽù« WOHK« WŠuK « WL d « uB « ÃËd ÊU ÐU Ʊ‚uH²*«≠ u¹bOH « ÃËdš fÐU Ƶ UEŠöÍœ w Íœ Power Ʊ BFÐ sŽ rJײ « UNł w W u«Info Ʊ∂  -«-√ØENTER- Ʊ∏² « Íœ wŸuu ±± ≠ WOÐdFÖO u² « ‚uH² ≠ u¹bO Êu¹eHKð v « qO u² «±≤ ≠ WOÐdF PÐUAð Êu¹eHKð v « qO u² « ±≥ ≠ WOÐdF¹bOH « U½uJ pKÝ Â«b ²ÝUÐ Êu¹eHK² « v « qO u² « UB « Ãd ‰öšWÒbIð Êu¹eHKð v « qO u² « WEŠöÆÁöŽ√ `u*« qJA « sŽ qO u² « ‚dÞ nK² ð b ¨Êu¹eHK² « V Š ±¥ ≠ WOÐdFIHš vłd¹ UEŠö±µ ≠ WOÐdF 5ðUMIDTS u d³J ¨MPEG2 ¨wL w³ Ëœ uB « ÂUE½ v « qO u² « UB « Èu² IHš vłd¹QOGA² « vKŽ DTS j³« ¨DTS ’d ±∂ ≠ WOÐdFWOÝUÝ« nzUþu « ’d qOGAð QOGA² « q³÷dF « QOGA² « ·UM¾²Ý« WHOþË WOÝUÝ« nzUþu « WOÝUÝ« nzUþu « VD ² « WHOþËË Y׳ « WHOþË Â«b ²Ý« √ qB ‰öš s Y׳ ««-U *« vD ð ±π ≠ WOÐdF≤∞ ≠ WOÐdF JGC UÐ nzUþu « WLzU w U uKF*« -UO²š« pMJ1  Æmenu vKŽJG« ¨qOGA² « ¡UMŁ√ UNł vKŽ Info vKŽ ÆbFÐ sŽ rJײ « VKŽ jG« œ«d*« …œU*« -UO²šô ÆUND³≤± ≠ WOÐdF « lł«Íœ w Íœ ’d Ë ’dI « w …dÒu²*« WLłd² « UG lł««uMF « WLzU Ë ’dI « WLzU «b ²Ý« DVD ’dI « WLzU «b ²Ý« DVD Ê«uMF « WLzU «b ²Ý«≤≤ ≠ WOÐdF WOÝUÝ« nzUþu « WHOþu « WLzU «b ²Ý« DVD/VCD WHOþu « WLzU «b ²Ý«≤≥ ≠ WOÐdF WOÝUÝ« nzUþu « QOGA² « d¹dJð Bd¹dJð WHOþË Â«b ²Ý«≤¥ ≠ WOÐdF WOÝUÝ« nzUþu « ¾OD³ « W dײ*« -uB UÐ qOGA² « ≤µ ≠ WOÐdFVKŽ jG« ¨qOGA² « ¡UMŁ√ WOÝUÝ« nzUþu « Wz«uAŽ qOGAðË Z d³ qOGAð ZÒb ’d Z d³ qOGAðZÒb ’d wz«uAF « qOGA² « ≤∂ ≠ WOÐdFBI²*« nzUþu « ±∂ π Êu¹eHKð X b ²Ý« «-≈¥ ≥ Êu¹eHKð X b ²Ý« «-≈ ¹œUŽ WýUý ¥ ≥ W UÝ- ‚ËbMÂËË j³ WýUA « j³ ≤∏ ≠ WOÐdFBI²*« nzUþu « ¹œË« WG -UO²š« √ 5LO « uB « ¨u¹dO²Ý« 5ÐO « uB « ≤π ≠ WOÐdFBI²*« nzUþu « WLłd² « WG -UO²š« Íœ w Íœ / MPEG4 Subtitle «b ²Ý«≥∞ ≠ WOÐdF Æsubtitle WDÝ«uÐ W uN ÐË WŽd Ð WLłd² « -UO²š« pMJ1UH « vD ² «Ø qOGA² « …œUŽ≈ WHOþË Â«b ²Ý« Íœ w Íœ Angle «b ²Ý«≥± ≠ WOÐdF ÆÊU²HOþu « ÊUðU¼ qLFð ô ¨’dI « V ŠBI²*« nzUþu « « W öŽ WHOþË Â«b ²Ý« DVD/VCD l u*« W öŽ WHOþË Â«b ²Ý«≥≤ ≠ WOÐdF « W öFÐ WDI ŸUłd²Ý« « W öŽ ¡UG ≈≥≥ ≠ WOÐdF BI²*« nzUþu « ÂËË WHOþË Â«b ²Ý« DVD/VCD ÂËË WHOþË Â«b ²Ý«≥¥ ≠ WOÐdF RŁ ÂËË Zoom -UO²šô…-U³ù« -UO²š« ≥µ ≠ WOÐdF«-U³ù« v « UHK*« lu DðuO³LJ « Âb ·UI¹ù« Wofë vKŽ jI …-U³ù« -UO²š« pMJ1Wz«uAF « qOGA² «Ød¹dJ² « ¨·UI¹≈≥∂ ≠ WOÐdF BI²*« nzUþu « QO−≠ ’dI « ∆-U CD-RvKŽ WMA Ë√ MP3 ≥∑ ≠ WOÐdFMPEG4 qOGAð WHOþË ÷dF « d¹dJð≥∏ ≠ WOÐdF ≥π ≠ WOÐdF ¹u²× JO ³ « MPEG4 nK¹u²× ÆMPEG4 nK V Š nzUþu « Ác¼ qLFð ô ≠BI²*« nzUþu « ZÒb*« ’dI « qOGAð bMŽ -uB « `z«dý ÷«dF²Ý«Âu³ √ WýUý Jpeg ’«d Z Òb*« ’dI « ∆-U ¥± ≠ WOÐdFTO Ë«-U nzUþË QOGA² « «¡«dł≈UB « WI³Þ w rJײ « ¥≤ ≠ WOÐdFTO Ë«-U nzUþË ¡UMž e−Š −« «¡«dł≈−« ¡UG ≈ ¥≥ ≠ WOÐdFTO Ë«-U nzUþË WOðu WHOþË UB « výöðQO b « s WEŠö«bŽù« WLzU dOOGð «b ²Ý««bŽù«WLzU ¥µ ≠ WOÐdF«bŽù« WLzU dOOGð WGK « nzUþË j³ UN« WLzU WG «b ²Ý«¥∂ ≠ WOÐdF ’dI « WLzU WG «b ²Ý« ¥∑ ≠ WOÐdF’dI « WLzU WýUý vKŽ jI hM « WG WHOþu « Ác¼ dOGð ÆW×zö « w U¼b¹dð w² «¹œË« WG «b ²Ý« ¥∏ ≠ WOÐdFVKŽ jG« w² « WGK « -UO²šô vKŽ jG« rŁ ¨U¼b¹dð Æenter Ë√  WLłd² « WG «b ²Ý« ¥π ≠ WOÐdFÆWÞu³C*« √ UI³ UNKO− ð w² « WGK «UB « «-UOš œ«bŽ≈ ∞ ≠ WOÐdF± ≠ WOÐdF ÷dF « «-UOš œ«bŽ≈ ÆUN−K WHK²« u¹bOH « nzUþË j³CÐ p `L ð ÷dF « «-UOš¹bOH « Ãd Êu¹eHK² « WýUý rOLBð²ÐU « …-uB « lË …œËb«bŽù« WLzU dOOGð WKzUF « ·«dýù« rJ% œ«bŽ≈ ’d d¹bI² U¹u²¹bI² « Èu² j³ Μµ ≠ WOÐdFÆp d « WLK qšœ« RŁ ¨d¹bI² « Èu²« WLK dOOGð WEŠöLł«d*« BI*«’dI « Y¹b% Woho ’dI « Y¹b% WohoLł«d*« TŠö ≈Ë qK« Èd%ÆWO U² « -u « h× vłd¹ ¨tŠö ≈Ë qK« Èd% « VKÞ q³ ×HB « …d c UH «u*« Μπ ≠ WOÐdFOŠ UN¹b UÝ W dý ≠…d c ∂∞ ≠ WOÐdFDVD Player ENG AK68-00639K-00Precautions Setting upFor your safety DiscEnvironmental info Accessories Install Batteries in the Remote controlIf the remote control doesn’t operate properly Before you startSetup Changing Setup MenuConnections Basic FunctionsGeneral Features Disc Type and Characteristics CharacteristicsDisc Markings Region NumberDescription Front Panel ControlsFront Panel Display Video Output in Setup Menu must be set to Rear PanelUse these jacks if you have a TV with Component Tour of the Remote Control ENG-10Before Connecting the DVD Player Choosing a ConnectionConnection to a TV Video ENG-11Connection to a TV S-Video Video in terminal of your TVTurn on the DVD player and TV Connection to a TV Interlace Picture element into black and whiteY, bluePPB , Y ENG-13What is Progressive Scan? Connection to a TV ProgressiveENG-14 Connection to an Audio System 2 Channel Amplifier Turn on the DVD player, TV, and AmplifierAudio input Audio input DigitalPlaying a Disc Before PlayPlayback Resume functionScreen stops, no sound Once againWill appear Normal playUsing the Search and Skip Functions No sound is hearing during search mode Except CDSearching through a Chapter or Track Skipping TracksUsing the Display Function When Playing a DVD/VCD/CD/MPEG4ENG-20 ControlDivX Using the Disc and Title Menu Using the Disc Menu DVDUsing the Title Menu DVD Using the Function Menu Using the Function Menu DVD/VCDControl ENG-23When playing a DVD/VCD/CD Repeat PlayWhen playing a DVD/VCD When the menu is offSlow Repeat Play ENG-25Program Play & Random Play Random Play CDENG-26 Adjusting the Aspect Ratio EZ View To play back using aspect ratio DVDAdvanced Functions If you are using a 169 TV ENG-27If you are using a 43 TV ENG-28For 169 aspect ratio discs 43 Letter Box Pan ScanUsing the Audio button DVD/VCD/CD/MPEG4 Refer to Using the Audio Language on ENG-29Selecting the Audio Language DVD disc can contain up to 8 audio languagesUsing the Subtitle button DVD/MPEG4 Refer to Using the Subtitle Language on ENG-30Selecting the Subtitle Language Press the Subtitle buttonUsing the Instant Replay/Skip Function Using the Angle button DVDUsing the Instant Replay function DVD Using the Instant Skip function DVDUsing the Bookmark Function Using the Bookmark Function DVD/VCDENG-32 Be marked at a timeRecalling a Marked Scene Clearing a BookmarkENG-33 Using the Zoom Function Using the Zoom Function DVD/VCD2X/Normal in order ENG-34Clips Menu for MP3/WMA/JPEG/MPEG4 Folder SelectionENG-35 MP3/WMA Playback Repeat/Random playbackENG-36 Track, Folder and RandomCD-R MP3/WMA file ENG-37Prevent illegal copying. These files are of the following MPEG4 Playback MPEG4 Play FunctionRepeat Playback ENG-38ENG-39 MPEG4 Function DescriptionThese functions may not work depending on MPEG4 file CD-R AVI filePicture CD Playback Press the Stop button to return to the clips menuCD-R Jpeg Discs ENG-41= + CanKaraoke Functions Operation SequenceKey Control MIC sound outputs only from Analog Audio Out ENG-42Reserving a Song ENG-43Request , then Vocal Function Vocal FaderGuide Melody Types of Karaoke discUsing the Setup Menu Sub featuresENG-45 Setting Up the Language Features Using the Player Menu LanguageSelect Language Setup ENG-46Using the Disc Menu Language ENG-47Using the Audio Language ENG-48Using the Subtitle Language ENG-49Setting Up the Audio Options ENG-50Dolby Digital Out PCM Converts to PCM2CH audio ENG-51Setting Up the Display Options ENG-52ENG-53 If your TV system only has PAL input, you must choose PALSetting Up the Parental Control Select Parental SetupENG-54 Press the √ or EnterSetting Up the Rating Level Menu buttonENG-55 Changing the Password ENG-56Firmware upgrade How to make an upgrade discUpgrade procedure IntroductionTroubleshooting ENG-58Specifications AudioENG-59
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