Samsung WD21F8K9ABG/YL manual English

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or collective works based on the Program.

In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this License.

4.3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:

1)Accompany it with the complete corresponding machinereadable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,

2)Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you received the program in object code or executable form with such an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)

The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a special exception, the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable.

If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the same place counts as distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source

along with the object code.

5.You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.

6.You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Program or works based on it.

7.Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients’ exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to this License.

8.If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent license

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06 Appendix

DC68-03366A-03_EN.indd 65

2015/12/25 13:24:11

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Contents Thank you for purchasing this Samsung product This manual is made with 100% recycled paperLCD Touch Screen Display Air Speed DrySmart Control Auto Detergent/SoftenerEco Drum Clean Important safety symbols and precautions Safety informationEnglish Safety information English Safety information English Safety information English Safety information English Contents Cleaning and maintaining your Using your mobile phoneTroubleshooting Cycle chartChecking the parts Setting up your washing machineWater Supply Meeting installation requirementsElectrical supply and grounding Installing your washing machine Removing the shipping bolts Take the L-shaped arm fitting for the cold water Adjusting the levelling feetConnecting the water and drain Hose clockwise all the way Remove the adaptor from the water supply hoseConnecting the drain hose Precautions when connecting the drain hose Test run Powering your washing machineRunning Calibration Mode Washing for the first time Washing a load of laundryPress the List button to select a cycle Basic instructionsAppears when door is locked Using the control panelSmart Control will be lit when this function is activated Actions Section Cycle Name SectionOptions Section Cycle Selection Section Settings Section Volume Additional Settings SectionChild Lock Smart Control Down the Child Lock Pause buttonSetting up your washer for the first time Setting up your washer for the first timeCleaning the dispensers Method of SettingAutomatic dispenser Pull the liquid detergent compartment out by pressingStain Guide SettingsAnti-freezing Volume Calibration ModeUpdate Date&TimeAvailable cycles Calibration function Using dry courseWashing clothes manually Delay EndMy cycle Which detergent to use Laundry guidelinesDetergent and additives information Detergent drawer Cleaning the interior Cleaning and maintaining your washing machineCleaning the dispensers Detergent drawerSetting the Smart Control Using your mobile phoneConfiguring the wired/wireless router Check before installationDownloading the Samsung Smart App Initial Access and Connection Setup For Indoor ControlUsing your mobile phone Establishing Network Connection Through WPS Settings Disconnected Connection Setup For Outdoor Control Serial Number Cleaning and maintaining Running Smart Control Using the Samsung Smart AppSmart Control Home Screen Additional Washer Settings Information to Review Before Contacting Customer Support Checklist SolutionUnscrew the drain cap by turning it Cleaning the debris filterStoring your washer Preserving the top cover and the front frame Cleaning the door seal/bellowCheck these points if your washer… TroubleshootingTemperature. This is normal Recovery rateControl feature as your washer determines the temperature Customer service centerAppendix Troubleshooting and information codes English  default option,  user option Cycle chartCycle chart WD21F8K9 Protecting the environment Fabric care chartAppendix DC68-03366A-03EN.indd 2015/12/25 Preamble Open Source AnnouncementAppendix English No Warranty GNU Lesser General Public License Preamble Files and the date of any change Software libraryAppendix English Appendix No Warranty BSD License OpenSSL License IssuesQuestions or COMMENTS? DC68-03366A-03 100 ةبسنب هريودت داعمُقرو مادختساب ليلدلا اذه جاتنإ تمةصوب 8 سمللاب LCD ضرع ةشاش ةعرسلا يلاع فيفتج Air Speed Dryيكذلا مكحتلا Smart Control يئاقلتلا معنلما /فظنلما Auto Detergent/Softenerةئيبلا قيدص ةيوالحا فيظنت Eco Drum Clean ةملاسلل ةماهلا تاطايتحلااو زومرلا ةملاسلا تامولعمةملاسلا تاداشرإ لوح هفرعت نأ بجي ام ام ةيصاخ ةطساوب مظتنم لكشب اهليغشت فاقيإو اهليغشت ةملاسلا تامولعم ةيبرعلا بيكرتلاب ةصالخا ةريطلخا ريذحتلا تاملاع ريذتح مادختسلااب ةصالخا ريطلخا ريذحتلا تاملاع بيكرتلاب ةصالخا هيبنتلا تاملاعةقاطلا لصوم ليصوت مدع ءانثأ ،ةقاطلا كلس بذج مدع بجي لصولماب كاسملإا قيرط نع ةقاطلا لصوم لصفب مقاهليغشت ءانثأ ةلاسغلا لفسأ يندعم نئاك يأ وأ كيدي عضت لا ةيصخش تاباصإ رملأا اذه نع جتني دقمادختسلااب ةصالخا هيبنتلا تاملاع هيبنت ةلاسغلا يف لكاشم ثودح رملأا اذه نع جتني دق ءالما ينخست/ديربت ةزهجأ نم مداقلا ءالما مادختسا مدع بجيهتنايص وأ هفيظنت لبق طئالحا سبقم نم زاهلجا سباق لصفب مق فيظنتلاب ةصالخا ةريطلخا ريذحتلا تاملاع ريذتحةلاسغلا دادعإ تايوتلمحاسبلالما لسغ اهتنايصو ةلاسغلا فيظنتاهحلاصإو ءاطخلأا فاشكتسا لاولجا فتاه ربعتارودلا لودج قحللماءازجلأا صحف ةلاسغلا دادعإيضرلأا ليصوتلاو ةيئابرهكلا ةقاطلا ردصم بيكرتلا تابلطتم ءافيتساءالما ديروت دادعلإاةلاسغلا بيكرت لافطلأا لوانتم نع اديعب .خلا ،نيريتسيلوبلا مقر ةوطلخا نحشلا ريماسم ةلازإءالما ديوزت موطرخ ليصوت مقر ةوطلخا ةلاسغلا لجرأ ءاوتسا طبضلفسأ ىلإ 1 لصوو مهسلا هاتجاب 2 ءزلجا لعجا امهنيب ممفيرصتلا موطرخ ليصوت سبلالما لسغ فيرصتلا موطرخ ليصوت دنع ةيئاقولا تاطايتحلااًايئاقلت نلآا مادختسلال ةزهاج ةلاسغلا مقر ةوطلخا ةلاسغلا ليغشتليغشت رابتخا سبلالما لسغ ةقاطلا Power رزلا ىلع طغضاىلولأا ةرملل لسغلا فقوت/ليغشت Start/Pause رزلا ىلع طغضاليسغ ةرود راتيخلا ةمئاقلا List رز يلع طغضأ ةيساسأ تاداشرإةرودلا مسا مسق تاءارجلإا مسق مكحتلا ةحول مادختسافيفجتلا ىوتسم Dry Level عقن Soak تارايلخا مسقةرارلحا ةجرد Temp فطش Rinseةرودلا رايتخا مسق تادادعلإا مسق يكذلا مكحتلا Smart Control ةيفاضلإا تادادعلإا مسقىلولأا ةرملل كتلاسغ دادعإ ىلولأا ةرملل كتلاسغ دادعإمقر ةوطلخا يداععيزوتلا تادحو فيظنت ةيكيتاموتولأا عيزوتلا ةدحو تادادعلإا طبض ةقيرطعقبلا ليلد Stain Guide تادادعإ Settings دمجتلا عنم Anti-freezingتوصلا ىوتسم Volume ةرياعلما عضو Calibration Modeثيدتح Update خيراتلاو تقولا Date&Timeةرفوتلما ليسغلا تارود ةرياعلما ةفيظو ةفالجا ةرودلا مادختسايلاتلاك فيفجتلا Drying رز ددح فيفجتلا Drying جمارب WD21F8K9**جذومنلا يف طقف ةنازخ Cupboardفقوتلا ليجأت Delay End رزلا ىلع طغضا فقوتلا ليجأت Delay Endةلضفلما ةرودلا My Cycle ايودي سبلالما لسغهمادختسا كنكي يذلا ليسغلا قوحسم وه ام سبلالما لسغ ليلدةيفاضلإا داولماو ليسغلا قوحسم لوح تامولعم فاك Enough يسايق Standard  يداصتقا Economy ليسغلا قوحسم جردمعنلما وأ فظنملل ةفاثكلا تدادعإ بيترتلا يلع زيكرت 3x 3 زيكرن 2x 2 يداع 1 ليغشتلاليسغلا قوحسم جرد اهتنايصو ةلاسغلا فيظنتيلخادلا ءزلجا فيظنت عيزوتلا تادحو فيظنتهتادادعإو يكذلا مكحتلا طبض لاولجا فتاه ربعيكلسلالا /يكلسلا رتوارلا زاهج فيرعت بيصنتلا لبق يلي امم ققتحSamsungSmartAppقيبطت للاخ لاصتا ةكبش ءاشنإ لزنلما لخاد مكحتلل ىئدبلما لاصتلااو لوصولا دادعإةنايصلاو فيظنتلا Appةدحاو ةقيقد WPSتادادعإ للاخ لاصتا ةكبش ءاشنإ لعفلاب ةلصتلما يافلا ياولا لزنلما جراخ نم مكحتلل لاصتلاا دادعإ لسلسلما مقرلا 49 ةيبرعلا يكذلا مكحتلا ليغشت Samsung Smart App قيبطت ربعيكذلا مكحتلل ةسيئرلا ةذفانلا ةيفاضلإا ةلاسغلا تادادعإ ءلامعلا ةمدخب لاصتلاا لبق اهتعجارم بجي تامولعم تافللمخا ةافصم فيظنت ةلاسغلا نيزختمهم مكالحا بابلا راطإ فظنيماملأا راطلإاو يولعلا ءاطغلا ىلع ظافلحا ةلاسغلا تناك اذإ يلي امم ققتح اهحلاصإو ءاطخلأا فاشكتساحتفني نل وأ قلغم بابلا ةئطاخ ةرارح ةجرد وذ ءابم ءلمنارودلا وأ /و ،فيرصتلا مدع ةرودلا ةياهن يف ةياغلل ةبطر ةلوملحاقحللما زومرو اهحلاصإو لكاشلما فاشكتسا تامولعلما58 ةيبرعلا 59 ةيبرعلا مدختسلما رايخيضارتفا رايخ تارودلا لودجWD21F8K9** تارودلا لودج ةئيبلا ةيامح قحللماةشمقلأاب ةيانعلا لودج بطر حطس ىلع ةلاسغلا تيبثت عنيمُم تافصاولماةيمومعلا ونغ ةصخر حوتفلما ردصلما نلاعإديهتم ةيمومعلا ونغ ةصخرب جمانربةصخرلا هذه قاطنل رخلآا لمعلا عضخِ ليدعتلاو عيزوتلاو خسنلا طورشو دونبًاهيونتو ةبسانلما خسنلا ىرخأ فورظ يأ ىلع هلمكأب عطقلما رثأ يرسيو ةمزلالا تاحيحصتلا تانامض دجوت لاةصخرلا طورشو دونب ةياهن ىرغصلا GNU ةيمومعلا ونغ ةصخر؟ةديدلجا كجمارب ىلع دونبلا هذه قبطت فيك 1999 رياربف ،2.1 رادصلإا68 ةيبرعلا 69 ةيبرعلا 70 ةيبرعلا عيزوتلا زواجتت لا ةفلكتب 72 ةيبرعلا كلذ ىلع ًايطخ هسفنب قفاو وأ كلذ ىلع ليصافتلا نم ديزلم يرغصلا ةيمومعلا ونغ ةصخر رظنا BSD د سإ ب ةصخرنايبد /PPP ةظوفحم قوقلحا عيمج اينروفيلاك ةعماج ءايصوأ 1989 رشنلا قوقحةصخرلاب ةقلعتم لئاسم لإ سإ سإ نبوألإ سإ سإ نبوأ ةصخر ةظوفحم قوقلحا عيمج لإ سإ سإ نبوأ عورشم 2008-1998 رشنلا قوقح؟تاقيلعت وأ ةلئسأ كيدل له
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