Samsung GH19BSASV/VNT, GH19BSAS/VNT manual 191T-en 2003.2.7 946 AM 페이지19

Page 42

191T-en 2003.2.7 9:46 AM 페이지19


Check List


Chek List





The screen shows

Is the screen displaying only one

Check the signal cable connection.

strange colors or

color as if looking at the screen

Make sure the video card is fully

just black and white.

through a cellophane paper?

inserted in it's slot.





Have the screen colors become

Reboot the computer.


strange after running a program



or due to a crash between









Has the video card been set

Set the video card by referring to the



video card manual.




The screen is out of focus or

Have you adjusted the resolution or

Adjust the resolution and frequency of

OSD cannot be adjusted.

frequency on the monitor?

the video card.




LED is blinking but no images

Is the frequency properly adjusted

Adjust the frequency properly by

on the screen.

when checking the Display Timing

referring to the video card manual.


on the menu?

(The maximum frequency per



resolution may differ from product to







There are only 16 colors

Have the Windows colors been

For Windows ME/XP/2000:

shown on the screen.

set properly?

Set the colors properly at the Control

The screen colors have


Panel, Display, Settings.

changed after changing the


For Windows 3.1:

video card.




Adjust the colors of the screen using



the VGA utility provided by the video








Has the video card been set

Set the video card by referring to the



video card manual.




There is a message that reads

Have you installed the monitor

Install the monitor driver according to

"Unrecognized monitor,


the Driver Installation Instructions.

Plug & Play (VESA DDC)



See the video card manual to see

Install the monitor driver according to

monitor found".

if the Plug & Play (VESA DDC)

the Driver Installation Instructions.



function can be supported.






Image 42
Contents SyncMaster 191T Muïc Luïc Tieáng VieätTay Phía sau Hình. Chæ Bò hö Cho KhiCung Bao Kim Hình NôiMaøn Hình Vi Tính Caøi Ñaët Maøn Hình Keát Noái Maøn HìnhKieåm tra chöùc naêng töï kieåm Thoâng ñieäp caûnh baùo Caùc vaán ñeà trong quaù trình hoaït ñoäng cuûa maøn hìnhSöû Duïng Maøn Hình Caùc Phím Ñieàu ChænhÑoä Saùng Brightness Ñoä Töông Phaûn ContrastDuøng hieäu chænh ñoä töông phaûn cuûa maøn hình hieån thò Coarse HìnhHình Image Lock Tinh chænh FineVò trí Position Vò trí ngang H-PositionVò trí doïc V-Position Geometry Reset ResetColor Reset HìnhChænh Color Control Color TemperatureColor Temperature Theo ChænhKích Hình Image Size LanguageTrung gian Vò trí Muïc luïc Menu Position Trong Gian Ñònh Chænh Khi Thò Display ModeGian Thò Menu Display Time Menu Display Time Gian ThòÑieàu chænh töï ñoäng Auto Adjustment Khoùa/Môû Khoùa OSD Lock/UnlockTieát Kieäm Naêng Löôïng Tình traïng Bình thöôøngTaét maùy Tra TraTra Hình Tín Card Tính Hình LCDThò NgangMemo Contents English Safety Instructions Unpacking Your Monitor Monitor and StandPivot Stand and S/W CDOption Setting up Your Monitor Connecting Your MonitorSetup-General Self-Test Feature Check Environment Useful TipsAdjusting Your Monitor User ControlsBrightness ContrastImage Lock FineCoarse Position PositionReset Color ResetColor Temperature Color ControlImage Size LanguageHalftone Menu Position Display Mode Menu Display TimeAuto Adjustment OSD Lock/UnlockPowerSaver Power Indicator Green Green, Blinking BlackTroubleshooting Check List191T-en 2003.2.7 946 AM 페이지19 Specifications SynchronizationDisplay Modes Horizontal FrequencyVertical Frequency Memo