Samsung GH19BSAS/VNT, GH19BSASV/VNT manual Troubleshooting, Check List

Page 41

191T-en 2003.2.7 9:46 AM 페이지18


Before calling for service, check the information in this section to see if you can remedy any problems yourself. If you do need assistance, please call the phone number on the warranty card, the phone number on the Information section or contact your dealer.

Check List


Chek List





No images on the screen.

Is the power cord connected

Check the power cord connection

I cannot turn on the monitor.


and supply.





Can you see "No Connection,

Check the signal cable connection.


Check Signal Cable" on the screen?






If the power is on, reboot the

If the initial screen (the login screen)


computer to see the initial

appears, boot the computer in the


screen(the login screen),

applicable mode (the safe mode for


which can be seen.

Windows 98/95) and then change



the frequency of the video card.



(Refer to the Preset Display Modes)



Note: If the initial screen (the login



screen) does not appear, contact



a service center or your dealer.





Can you see "Video mode not

You can see this message when the


supported" on the screen?

signal from the video card exceeds



the maximum resolution and frequency



that the monitor can properly handle.



Adjust the maximum resolution and



frequency that the monitor can properly








There is no image on the screen.

The monitor is in PowerSave mode.


Is the power indicator on the

Press a key on the keyboard or move


monitor blinking at 1 second

the mouse to activate the monitor and



restore the image on the screen.




I cannot see the On Screen

Have you locked the On Screen

Unlock the OSD by pressing the


Display (OSD) Menu to prevent

MENU button for at least 5 seconds.








Image 41
Contents SyncMaster 191T Tieáng Vieät Muïc LuïcCung Bao Kim KhiTay Phía sau Hình. Chæ Bò hö Cho Hình NôiMaøn Hình Vi Tính Keát Noái Maøn Hình Caøi Ñaët Maøn HìnhKieåm tra chöùc naêng töï kieåm Caùc vaán ñeà trong quaù trình hoaït ñoäng cuûa maøn hình Thoâng ñieäp caûnh baùoCaùc Phím Ñieàu Chænh Söû Duïng Maøn HìnhDuøng hieäu chænh ñoä töông phaûn cuûa maøn hình hieån thò Ñoä Saùng BrightnessÑoä Töông Phaûn Contrast Hình Image Lock HìnhCoarse Tinh chænh FineVò trí doïc V-Position Vò trí PositionVò trí ngang H-Position Color Reset ResetGeometry Reset HìnhColor Temperature Color TemperatureChænh Color Control Theo ChænhTrung gian Kích Hình Image SizeLanguage Vò trí Muïc luïc Menu Position Gian Thò Menu Display Time Thò Display ModeTrong Gian Ñònh Chænh Khi Menu Display Time Gian ThòKhoùa/Môû Khoùa OSD Lock/Unlock Ñieàu chænh töï ñoäng Auto AdjustmentTaét maùy Tieát Kieäm Naêng LöôïngTình traïng Bình thöôøng Tra TraTra Hình Tín Card Hình LCD TínhNgang ThòMemo Contents English Safety Instructions Pivot Stand and S/W CDOption Unpacking Your MonitorMonitor and Stand Setup-General Setting up Your MonitorConnecting Your Monitor Self-Test Feature Check Useful Tips EnvironmentUser Controls Adjusting Your MonitorContrast BrightnessCoarse Image LockFine Position PositionColor Reset ResetColor Control Color TemperatureHalftone Image SizeLanguage Menu Position Menu Display Time Display ModeOSD Lock/Unlock Auto AdjustmentPower Indicator Green Green, Blinking Black PowerSaverCheck List Troubleshooting191T-en 2003.2.7 946 AM 페이지19 Synchronization SpecificationsVertical Frequency Display ModesHorizontal Frequency Memo