Samsung GH19BSASV/VNT, GH19BSAS/VNT manual Color Reset

Page 34

191T-en 2003.2.7 9:46 AM 페이지11

Adjusting Your Monitor


Geometry Reset

Geometry parameters are replaced with the factory default values.

1. Push the Menu ( ) button.

2. Push the - button or + button until the Reset screen is displayed.

3. Push the Menu ( ) button twice to open the Geometry Reset adjustment screen.

4. Push the + button to select Yes.

If you don't want to reset the monitor, use the - button to select No.

Note: Not Available This function doesn't work in Digital input.

Color Reset

Color parameters are replaced with the factory default values.


Push the Menu (




) button.



2. Push the - button or + button until the Reset screen


is displayed.



Push the Menu (



) button again and then



press the - or + button until the Color Reset screen appears.


Push the Menu (



) button to open the Color Reset




adjustment screen.


4. Push the + button to select Yes.

If you don't want to reset the monitor, use the - button to select No.

Note: Not Available This function doesn't work in Digital input.


Image 34
Contents SyncMaster 191T Muïc Luïc Tieáng VieätTay Phía sau Hình. Chæ Bò hö Cho KhiCung Bao Kim Hình NôiMaøn Hình Vi Tính Caøi Ñaët Maøn Hình Keát Noái Maøn HìnhKieåm tra chöùc naêng töï kieåm Thoâng ñieäp caûnh baùo Caùc vaán ñeà trong quaù trình hoaït ñoäng cuûa maøn hìnhSöû Duïng Maøn Hình Caùc Phím Ñieàu ChænhÑoä Töông Phaûn Contrast Ñoä Saùng BrightnessDuøng hieäu chænh ñoä töông phaûn cuûa maøn hình hieån thò Coarse HìnhHình Image Lock Tinh chænh FineVò trí ngang H-Position Vò trí PositionVò trí doïc V-Position Geometry Reset ResetColor Reset HìnhChænh Color Control Color TemperatureColor Temperature Theo ChænhLanguage Kích Hình Image SizeTrung gian Vò trí Muïc luïc Menu Position Trong Gian Ñònh Chænh Khi Thò Display ModeGian Thò Menu Display Time Menu Display Time Gian ThòÑieàu chænh töï ñoäng Auto Adjustment Khoùa/Môû Khoùa OSD Lock/UnlockTình traïng Bình thöôøng Tieát Kieäm Naêng LöôïngTaét maùy Tra TraTra Hình Tín Card Tính Hình LCDThò NgangMemo Contents English Safety Instructions Monitor and Stand Unpacking Your MonitorPivot Stand and S/W CDOption Connecting Your Monitor Setting up Your MonitorSetup-General Self-Test Feature Check Environment Useful TipsAdjusting Your Monitor User ControlsBrightness ContrastFine Image LockCoarse Position PositionReset Color ResetColor Temperature Color ControlLanguage Image SizeHalftone Menu Position Display Mode Menu Display TimeAuto Adjustment OSD Lock/UnlockPowerSaver Power Indicator Green Green, Blinking BlackTroubleshooting Check List191T-en 2003.2.7 946 AM 페이지19 Specifications SynchronizationHorizontal Frequency Display ModesVertical Frequency Memo