Samsung DVD-VR325/EUR, DVD-VR325/XEG, DVD-VR325/XEH manual Ellas Greece

Page 94



Saı eucaristouvme gia thn empistosuvnh pou deivxate sthn SAMSUNG me thn agoravauthvı thı suskeuhvı. To proiovn autovthı SAMSUNG eivnai egguhmevno gia perivodo dwvdeka (12) mhnwvn apovthn hmeromhniva ago- ravı tou gia antallaktikavkai ergatikav.Sthn perivptwsh pou qa creiasteivepiskeuhv, to proiovn autov thı SAMSUNG qa prevpei na staleivhvna metaferqeiv sto exousiodothmevno service, me evxoda tou agorasthv. Exousiodothmevnoi antiprovswpoi kai exousiodothmevna kevntra service se avlleı Eurwpaikevı cwvreı, qa apodecqouvn touı ovrouı thı egguvhshı.

Plhroforiveı gia ta exousiodothmevna kevntra service sthn Ellavda, mporeivte na pavrete apovthn


L.Kruonerivou 112 145 68 Kruonevri, Apikhvı

Thl. 210.629.3100

Oroi thı egguvhshı

1.H egguvhsh iscuvei eavn kai movno eavn to proiovn creiavzetai service kai h kavrta egguvhshı evcei plhvrwı sumplhrwqeivkai sfragisqeivapovto katavsthma agoravı. Epivshı prevpei na proskomisqeiv kai to timolovgio hvh apovdeixh lianikhvı pwvlhshı, pavnw sthn opoiva o seiriakovı ariqmovı tou proiovn- toı prevpei na eivnai eukrinhvı.

2.H upocrevwsh thı SAMSUNG aforavmovno thn episkeuhvtou proiovntoı

3.H episkeuhvtou proiovntoı prevpei na anativqetai movno se exousiodothmevna kevntra service hv exousiodothmevnouı antiproswvpouı thı SAM- SUNG. Kamiva apozhmivwsh den qa givnei apodekthv gia episkeuhvpou evcei givnei apovmh exousiodoth- mevno apovthn SAMSUNG sunergeivo.

4.To proiovn autovden qa qewrhqeivellatwmatikovsta ulikavhvsthn ergasiva episkeuhvı eavn qa prevpei na prosarmosteiv, metatrapeivhvruqmisteivwvste na summorfwqeivme tiı topikevı tecnikevı prodia- grafevı hvprodiagrafevı pou iscuvoun se cwvra avllh apovauthvgia thn opoiva proorizovtan hv kataskeuavsthke.

H egguvhsh authvden kaluvptei apozhmiwvseiı giaÚ

*Kefalevı bivnteo kai kasetofwvnwn

*Kefalevı binteokavmeraı

*Gennhvtrieı aktinwvn Iaser sta CD, DVD


*Lucniveı fouvrnwn mikrokumavtwn

*Prosarmogevı, metatropevı hvruqmivseiı, anex- avrthta an eivnai epituchvı hvanepituchvı, ouvte

opoiadhvpote zhmiva proevrcetai ex autouv...

5.H egguvhsh authvden kaluvptei kamiva apovtiı parakavtw periptwvseiıÚ

*Periodikouvı elevgcouı, sunthvrhsh kai episkeuhv hvantikatavstash merwvn pou ofeivlontai se


*Ta evxoda kai touı kinduvnouı metaforavı pou scetivzontai me thn egguvhsh autouvtou proiovn-


*Zhmiva se autovto proiovn pou proevrcetai apovÚ

A.Katavcrhsh hvkai kakhvcrhvsh, sumperilam- banomevnhı allavkai mh periorismevnhı seÚ Mh crhvsh autouvtou proiovntoı gia touı skopouvı pou fusiologikavproorivzetai hvsuvm- fwna me tiı odhgiveı crhvsewı gia thn swsthv crhvsh kai sunthvrhsh autouvtou proiovntoı Thn egkatavstash kai crhvsh tou proiovntoı me trovpouı pou antivkeintai stiı tecnikevı prodiagrafevı

asfaleivaı pou iscuvoun katavthn crhvsh tou proiovntoı

B.Episkeuhvpou evgine apovmh exousiodothmevna sunergeiva service

G.Atuchvmata, qeomhniveı hvopoiadhvpote aitiva pevra tou elevgcou thı SAMSUNG, sumperil- ambanomevnwn allavmh periorismevnwn twn keraunwvn, tou nerouv, thı fwtiavı, twn dhmo- sivwn anataracwvn, tou kakouvaerismouvklp.

D.H egguvhsh authvden ephreavzei ta dikaiwvma- ta tou katanalwthvpou

problevpontai apovthn efarmosteva eqnikhv nomoqesiva pou iscuvei, ouvte ta dikaiwvmata twn katanalwtwnv enantivon twn lianopwl- htwnv pou aporrevoun apovthn suvmbash pwvlhshı.

E.Se perivptwsh pou den upavrcei eqnikhvnomo- qesiva authvh egguvhsh qa eivnai h monadikhv kai apokleistikhvkavluyh tou katanalwthvgia kavqe zhmiav.


Image 94
Contents DVD-VR325 Getting Started Holding discs PrecautionDVD-Video, Audio-CD DVD-R Disc Playback and Recording DVD-VideoAudio CD DVD-RW Disc Playback and RecordingDo not use the following discs ProtectionContents Reference General Features Before Reading User’s ManualRecording mode XP high quality mode, SP Classified as a Date Once, Daily or WeeklyPreparing the Remote Control AccessoriesUnpacking Setting the Remote Control Description Front PanelRear Panel FanDVD Button Timer REC ButtonSTANDBY/ON Button Number Button IPC Button VCR Button TV Control ButtonsConnecting & Setting Up Quick OverviewTelevision Connecting the Scart CableRemove the aerial or network input cable from Connect this cable to the 75Ω aerial jack markedBy means of RF Cable AV1 TV By means of 21-pin Scart CableAV2 in EXT By means of 21-pin Scart Cable Connecting Audio/Video CableProgressive Scan What is the HDCP? Connecting HDMI/DVI to a TVWhy does Samsung use HDMI? Hdmi connection descriptionAV Receiver Connections Connecting an External DevicesAudio … / †, œ / √ Buttons On-Screen Menu NavigationOK Button Language Set menu is displayed Plug & Auto SetupStart the auto setup Press the …† buttons to select desired languageMenu Button Setting the Date and TimeWith the unit in Stop mode/No Disc mode, press Press the œ √ buttons to select the hour, minutesContinue, Menu to exit. is displayed Auto SetupButton to start the auto scanning OK or √ button Manual SetupManual Setup menu is displayed Or √ buttonClearing a Preset Station Or √ button Press the …† buttons to select the desired PR Press the …† buttons to select Delete, then pressPress the œ √ buttons to select Yes, then press Press the …† buttons to select required positionThen press Video Output CHPress the …† buttons to select Video Output Press the …† buttons to select the desired Setting Up Language OptionsThen Language option, press the OK Or √ buttonDynamic Compression Setting Up the Audio OptionsDigital Output Bitstream3D Noise Reduction Motion adaptive noise reduction HDMI/DVI ResolutionTV Aspect Video option menu will be displayedDivXR Registration Setting Up the Parental ControlButton on the remote control Output selectionAbout the Rating Level Enter the 4-digit password using the 0 toButtons on the remote control About the Change LevelAuto Play VCR SettingTape Length Auto RepeatIPC Intelligent Picture Control DVD EP Mode TimeColour System Automatic Chapter Creator On Nicam mode Front DisplayVideo Output Available Video Output JackDisc types that can be played Before PlayingRegion code DVD-Video only Discs that cannot be playedPlaying a Disc Using the Search & Skip Functions Slow Motion Play Step Motion Play Moving to a scene directly using the AnykeyAbout Anykey Slow Motion PlayRepeat Play Playing Repeatedly Repeat PlaybackOr Disc Playing a Certain section Repeatedly A-B Repeat PlaybackTo return to normal playback DiscSelecting the Subtitle language Using the Subtitle buttonAudio Language Selecting the Audio languageChanging the Camera Using the Angle buttonAngle Playing back a Bookmark Clearing a BookmarkClearing a Marker Using the MarkersPlaying back a Marker Press the MarkerOK button Playing back an Audio CD CD-DAAudio CD CD-DA Screen Elements √√l buttonMP3 Screen Elements Playing back an MP3 DiscPlaying back an MP3 Disc Lœœ buttonPlay Option Mode Repeat mode will be highlightedPress the …† buttons to select the Disc Playing back a Picture DiscPress the …† buttons to select the Photo , Playing back an MPEG4 Disc Playing back a VHS Tape VCR FeaturesTracking Button at the point on the tape Where you want to set the counter toVariable Search System While a cassette is stopped, press the AnykeyRecordable discs Mode Not finalised RecordableBefore Recording This recorder can record on the following discsRecording Formats Recording ModeDVD-RAM/-RWVR mode Unrecordable videoRecording speed quality Pausing / ResumingContent Protection for Recordable Media Cprm Disc on the disc trayRecording From External Devices Recording OTR Making a One TouchTo stop recording Recording Speed DVD Recording Speed VCRThen press the OK or √ button Press the …† buttons to select Standard TimerButton to confirm the edited setting Button after finishingYou can not delete programmes that are Selected title will be deleted from the listPress the Menu Button after finishing Currently recordingCheck whether the timer Recording has set Turn the power off by pressing the STANDBY/ONButton to activate the timer recoding setting Programme that you want to record in yourShowView Extended Before startingWatch a Different Channel MaximumAdd Recording Time To copy from DVD to VCR Scan modeCopy to DVD or VCR Direct copy DVD to VCRTo copy from VCR to DVD Button in stop modeDirect copy VCR to DVD Using the Menu button Using the Title List buttonPlaying the Title List Press the …† buttons to select Play to play Title List Screen ElementsPressing the Anykey Selected title will be played backRenaming Labeling a Title Back SpaceLocking Protecting a Title Deleting a TitleDeleting a Section of a Title Edit Title List Screen Elements Press the OK button at the starting pointImage and starting point time are displayed Selected section has been deletedCreating a Playlist Advanced EditingPlaylist Press the OK buttonButton with the disc stopped Playing Titles in the PlaylistEdit Playlist screen is displayed Press the …† buttons to select Playlist , thenEdit Playlist screen is displayed Renaming a Playlist TitleButton with the disc stopped Selected playlist titlePress the …†œ √ buttons to select the scene you Editing a Scene for the PlaylistFollow these instructions to edit scenes for a playlist Playlist title to be played is selectedWant to modify, then press the OK button To setup, follow steps 1 to 3Press the …† œ √ buttons to select the scene you Press the …† buttons to select Modify , thenWhich you want to move the selected scene, then Press the …† œ √ buttons to select the scene youPress the …† œ √ buttons to select the position to Select the OK ButtonTo setup, follow the steps 1 to 3 You automatically returned to the Edit Playlist Screen after the delete operation has finishedFollow these instructions to give a name to a disc Disc ManagerEditing the Disc Name Press the …† œ √ buttons to select SaveFormatting a Disc Disc ProtectionPress the …† buttons to select Protected , then Finalising a Disc OK button. The disc is finalisedDisc is unfinalised DVD-RW can be finalised or unfinalised in VR modeWant to unfinalise disc?’ With the unit in Stop mode, press the Menu Delete All Title ListsYou will be prompted with the confirmation All title lists are deletedReference No response Forgot the password Power turns on Cannot record TVTimer recording does Input is displayedTroubleshooting DVD Check the DVD Recorder & VCR antenna connections Troubleshooting VCRCheck if the safety tab is intact on the cassette Is the DVD Recorder & VCR tuner properly set?Input SpecificationsGeneral Audio OutputEllas Greece AK68-00831P-00
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