Miscellaneous Commands
Arm System (Maid Code)
If you choose to have a code that cannot disarm the system, but can arm the system, have your installer program this feature. If programmed, User Code No. 5 has system arming capability only, and you can issue this code to a temporary user so they can secure the premises when they leave.
Send Help Conditions
Your system can be programmed for three separate Send Help Alerts that send an emergency signal to your central station. These three alerts, along with their keypad combinations, are shown below:
Fire Panic Aux
[7] and [9] | [*] and [#] | [1] and [3] |
Your system can be programmed to send an emergency signal to the central station if you are forced to enter the premises. If you choose to include this feature, User Code No. 6 is dedicated to this function and must only be used under a duress circumstance.
Quick Arming Yes
If programmed by your installer, Quick Arming allows you to arm the system in the Away mode without entering a User Code. To enable Quick Arm:
Press [#], [1].
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