Kenmore 153.329263, 153.32956 TurnOFFtheelectricpowertothewaterheaterat the junctionbox, Draining

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NOTE:It is notnecessaryto adjusttheupperthermostat. However,ifit isadjustedabovethefactorysetpointof 120°F (49°C)HOTitisrecommendedthatitnotbesethigherthanthe lowerthermostatsetting.

Theupperandlowerthermostatsareadjustableifa different watertemperatureis desired.Readal!warningsin the 'Temperature-Regulation"sectionbeforeproceeding.

1.Turn"OFF"theelectricpowertothewaterheaterat the junctionbox.


Temperature-Pressure Relief

Valve Operation

The temperature-pressure relief valve must be manually operated at least once a year.

Burn hazard

Hotwater discharge.

Keep clear of reHiefvalve

, Before removing any access panels or servicing the water heater, make sure the electrical

supply to the water heater is turned "OFF".

', Failure to do tHs could result in death, serious bodily injury, or property damage.

2.Take off the upper and/or lower access panel, insulation cap with handle.

3.The slotted adjustment (using a screwdriver) can be turned

clockwise ( f_ ) to increase the temperature setting or counter clockwise ( _'_ ) to decrease the temperature setting.

4.Replace the insulation cap with handle and access panel.

5.Turn 'ON" the power supply.

Anode Rod inspection

Property Damage Hazard

, Avoid water heater damage.

• Inspection and replacement of anode as needed.

The anode rod is used to protect the tank from corrosion. Most

hot water tanks are equipped with an anode rod. The

submerged rod sacrifices itself to protect the tank. Instead of corroding the tank, water ions attack and eat away the anode rod. This does not affect the water's taste or color. The rod must be maintained to keep the tank in operating condition.

Anode deterioration depends on the water conductivity, not

necessarily water condition. A corroded or pitted anode rod

indicates high water conductivity and should be checked and/ or replaced more often than an anode rod that appears to be

intact. Replacement of a depleted anode rod can extend the

life of your water heaten Inspection should be conducted by calling Sears Service Center. At a minimum the anode(s) should be checked annually after the warranty period.

The temperature-pressure relief valve must be manually operated at least once a year. Caution should be taken to ensure that (1) no one is in front of or around the outlet of the

temperature-pressure relief valve discharge line, and (2) the water manually discharged will not cause any property damage or bodily injury. The water may be extremely hot.





If after manually operating the valve, it fails to completely reset

and continues to release water, immediately close the cold water inlet to the water heater, follow the draining instructions,

and replace the temperature-pressure relief valve with a new


Failure to install and maintain a new properly listed temperature°

pressure relief valve will release the manufacturer from any

claim which might result from excessive temperature or pressure.

If the temperature-pressure relief valve on the appliance weeps

or discharges periodically, this may be due to thermal expansion. Your water heater may have a check valve installed in the water line or a water meter with a check valve. Consult your local Sears Service Center for further information. Do not

plug the temperature-pressure relief valve.


Burn hazard

• Hot water discharge,

o Keep hands clear of drain


Image 18
Contents Usted Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, L 60179 U.S.AModel Save Tnbs Manual for Future ReferencePortant Definitions Improper installation and use may result Property damage Explosion HazardFire Hazard / Electric Shock Hazard Service Maintenance Safe Installation Useand Service GeneralInstallation Instructions Troubleshooting GuideModel GALS.PER Hour Tank Dbmensbons Element Maxbmum Fuse Recovery Rate WattageCapacity VoltsAdditiona Toos Needed When Sweat Sodering Materials NeededBasic Toos Removing the Od Water Heater Burn hazard Hotwater discharge Keep hands clear of drainNsuation Bankets IneraiBuilduporSediment MayAccumuiateFacts to Consider About the Location Facts to Consider About Convertible Lower EementWater Piping HOTFLEXIBLESHUT-OFF Outlet Water Connectorsvalve Valve and Pipe insulationDo not CAP Or Plug Water Damage Hazard Temperature PressureFilling the Water Heater Floor DrainConversion Parts Screw Converting the Lower EementFire Hazard t Electric Shock Hazard ElectricFire and Explosion Hazard ?ERMBNAL Cover fromReplacetheaccesspanel Fire Hazard Electric Shock HazardTheconduitortubingisterminatedfittingsapproved forgrounding Green Ground ScrewUpper Wiring DiagramsTo Electric Power Supply RED For 5500 WattsUpper and Lower Thermostat Adjustments Temperature RegulationTemperature Settings ThermostatAnode Rod inspection TurnOFFtheelectricpowertothewaterheaterat the junctionboxTemperature-Pressure Relief Valve Operation DrainingUFT OUT TAB to Uncup Thermostat Removal/ReplacementEement CeaningiRepmacement Without High Limit Upper and Lower Thermostat with HGH LmitUpperand Lower Thermostat WTH High Limit Fire Hazard Electric Shock Hazard Service Handleand CAP AssemblyDrain Valve Washer Repmacement Start Up Conditions Therma! Expansion Tank SpecificationsChart Operationa ConditionsCorrosionprotectiveactionoftheanode High Temperature Shut OFF SystemReset Rumbung NoseMmproper installation and use may result Property damage Leakage CheckpointsInstructions section Kenmore Power Miser TM Electric Water Heaters KENtvIOREPOWER Miser TM 153.329360 Gallon 153.329460 153.329560When ORDERmNGREPAIR PARTS,ALWAYSGIVETHE Following Page Page Warranty Service MY-HOMMaster Protection Agreements